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Story Review of The Printer

Five themes

1. If you help other, other will be good to you.

2. Even you are deaf or someone that can’t talk. Just calm down and think a way to help other people.

3. If you help other, maybe you just help yourself

4. If there is an emergency, don’t just call the other one to go away by yourself. Leave some people to help you.

5. If you love to do something, you will finish it very well.

6. If there is an emergency, don’t just call the other one to go away by yourself. Leave some people to help you.


I read a realistic fiction story named The Printer which is written by Myron Uhlberg. and illustrated by Henri Sorensen. Here is the summary. There is a boy. The boy’s father was a printer. But the printer was deaf. The printer learned how to speak with his hand. Sometime he was sad, because his fellow workers that can hear treated him in a bad way, but he still has friend that was deaf too. One day, the printer saw a fire. He ran and call the other deaf to tell all the worker to go outside. Finally, they are all safe. The printer’s co-workers gather around him. They presented him with a hat made of newspaper. All the workers who could hear did something surprising. They say thanks with their hand. The printer was surprised.

I learned three themes. First, if you love to do something, you will do it very well. This sentence means if you really love this work, you are happy to do this work. You will finish this work very good. In the story, the printer loves this work. He is so happy to this work. So, he did this work well.

Second, if you help other, other will be good to you. This sentence means if you help or save other. Other will do something you really like. In the story, the printer saves everyone. The workers who can hear did something the printer like. They say thanks with their hand. That really is amazing and it is all the worker who could hear!

Third, if there is an emergency, don’t just call the other one to go away by yourself. Leave some people to help you. This sentence means if there is an emergency. Don’t save other by yourself, call other to help you. In this story, the printer didn’t call everyone by himself. He called other people to help him to call everyone go outside.

I think the printer is very nice. He saw the fire and he didn’t run away. He called the other deaf to help him call everyone go out. The deaf was all nice. I didn’t mention that the printer is the first saw the fire, and the last go outside. This story is very easy to find theme. Try and find five theme in the story.

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