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Story Review of The Princess and the Pizza

The story, The Princess and the Pizza, written by Mary Jane Auch and Herm Auch, talks about a princess, but one who is different from other princesses. The story starts when Princess Paulina’s father gave up his throne to become a carver, but he couldn’t make any money without being a qualified wood-carver. Paulina missed princessing, with all the waving, having a big castle all to her family, and more. One day, a page rode past saying that the Queen /Zelda wanted young women to compete to marry her son, Prince Dupert. Paulina was excited, as this was her chance to get back to being a princess. When Paulina got there, she found out that she and the other princesses were competing through a series of challenges, to see who is the real princess, and marry the prince. Through this, we also learn some things, along with Princess Paulina.

Living without a dream to achieve equals that living is useless. If people have no dream, then there is no use doing anything, not even sleeping. Even if people without a dream do things, like go to school, it is no use. In the story, Paulina also has a dream - to become a princess once again, as she misses all the commotion that was around her. Even though she changed her dream, she still had something to work hard for. Having her first dream, Paulina went through a lot of challenges and tests to see if she was a real princess and to prove her worth. Having the second dream, Paulina achieved it, by wanting to become a pizza maker, and finally opening a shop of her own. Everyone has a dream, even princesses do, to have a life that is not at all useless.

The story shows a different kind of princess, the kind we won’t expect hardworking, independent and creative. Many people think that princesses are supposed to be ordering, bossy, and always telling servants what to do, and mean too. But some princesses are different from what these people think. They work hard to make life easier for them, and not depend on others. From the beginning, the title, we can see there is a word - “princess”. Some people might think that all princesses are the same, lazy, always ordering other people to do things, loving nobody but themselves… But, in the story, Paulina isn’t a goody-goody princess, instead works hard herself to make something new, chasing her dream. Paulina is a princess who is very different from others, working hard for herself to make it to her dream, even though sometimes dreams can change. Not everyone is the same, and not every princess is the same.

Some new stories we read are made up of fairy tales, or other stories that have existed already. Some stories are not entirely new, but made up out of others, building on top of one another, to finally make a new story. In the story, the challenges Paulina experienced came from many different fairy tales, like Cinderella, Rapunzel, Rumpelstiltskin, The Princess and the Pea, and Snow White. So, the story The Princess and the Pizza is made up out of most of the fairy tales we know today. We can see that even if some stories have some new in them, they might just contain some bits of old fairy tales that were told in the olden times. Even though the stories aren’t the same as before, some still take some points of mentioning old stories. Stories might just conclude a bit of fairy tales we know, and it will make the story even better.

In conclusion, the story of The Princess and the Pizza, written by Mary Jane Auch, talks about a princess named Paulina, and her wants to go back to princessing. Throughout the whole story, we learn many things along with Paulina. First, living without a dream equals a person not living. There is no use living without a purpose. Second, not all people, and princesses too, are the same. No one in the world is the same, not even twins. Third, some stories are made up of other fairy tales, including Cinderella, Rapunzel, The Princess and the Pea, and Snow White. Old fairy tales may be boring, but if we combine them together it would be more interesting to see. I really recommend this story, The Princess and the Pea, because of so many reasons, and all the things we can learn.

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