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Story Review of The Jones Family Express

The story “The Jones Family Express” talks about a boy who is called steven. Every year his family will have an annual block party at his grandma’s house. This year, Steven wants to give a special gift to his beloved aunt carolyn. But he did not know what. Time passed, he looked into stores but couldn't find the perfect thing. Some gifts are too expensive, some are just not special. And then, with the help of Uncle Charles, He found the perfect gift. An old toy train. He fixed it up a little and stuck pictures of his whole family on it. Aunt Carolyn thought that it was the most fantastic gift ever.

Our family is our life, and everything else comes second as far as what's important to us. Even when families live far apart, or if they have a bad relationship, they are still a family. In the story, aunt Carolyn always goes traveling. Sometimes outside the country, sometimes inside the country. She barely even comes to the annual block parties. But that does not stop her from sending postcards to Steven so they can get in contact with each other. Families have three things: Love, Members, and each other. They stick together, they never fall apart. Even when some family members barely talk to each other, they are still a family.

Old objects or things might look useless but it could be useful someday, somewhere, or sometimes. Even when an object looks like it could do anything to make someone smile, it could be useful someday. Deep down it has a usage. In the story, Steven found an old dusty toy train. It had a lot of fixing up to do. Even though it was old. He turned it into a special gift for aunt Carolyn with pictures of her family on it. That way, when she went traveling again. She would miss her family. But she would remember them in her warm heart. So, do not judge someone or something by how it acts or looks, deep down, they are different.

Special gifts don’t have to be very pretty, really expensive or kind of modern. It could just be as simple as a notecard or letter. Gifts make people smile. Even though pretty gifts look great. A notecard will look as great as it too. In the story, Steven chose an old toy train. Because he knew that it would make his aunt smile, it just needed a little fixing up to do. He added pictures of his beloved family on it. And wrote “the Jones Family Express” on it, which meant that Aunt Carolyn could look at it when she goes to travel. Some expensive things don’t make people smile. So, people should save their money and be creative to show love rather than buying stuff.

This story tells us three things: Family love, Objects can be useful sometimes, and Gifts don’t have to be really pretty. I think family love is important because if we are born and our parents abandoned us. We won’t survive and live right now. Even though we hate our family sometimes we are still a family.

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