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Story Review of The Jones Family Express


Characters: I, Aunt Carolyn, Grandma, Sean, Uncle Charles, Aunt Marsha.

Setting: Summer, Nostrand Avenue

Plot: Aunt Carolyn sends me a postcard and makes me feel special.

Perspective: First person viewpoint

Genre: Realistic Fiction

The story "The Jones Family Express" is written by Javaka Steptoe, it talks about a boy named Stevey who has an aunt who is always going on trips. Steavey's Aunt is coming back soon so he wants to get a perfect gift for his Aunt. Steavey goes to two shops but they all have some holes so Steavey is stressed but he sees his uncle. Steavey's uncle won't do anything for someone even for a kid if they don't pay up but it is the only chance now. Steavey finds a train in his uncle's "collection" and pays up to ten dollars. Steavey's train is all torn up but Stanvey fixes it and he has a perfect gift. The train symbolizes togetherness and more, everyone in the family has a picture on the train window and everyone in the family indeed agrees that the train is a lovely gift.

There is always something that symbolizes love and unites a family together, which is called the family bond. Families are always together but sometimes there are just problems that have to seperate them apart. In the story, the train is a thing that brings the family together, it brings joy and helps the family unite together. The thing that brings us all joy and together is called family bond. The family in the story's family bond is the gift toy train, it is a symbol for love. It brings the family together, symbolizes love, with a picture of each member of the family on it. Family bonds  like the train hold a family up, without it the family might not have a tradition or even exist, and usually if it gets lost or something it will kind of mess up the history of the family and the family will fall apart. The family bond is an important thing that can not only bring togetherness but also bring love.

Sharing is important because it helps build stronger relationships and gives others a good sense of community. When we share, it can be our time, items like toys, or feelings we know, we show kindness, making others feel included and being understanding. In the story, Steavey's uncle used his money and shared some ice cream. Sharing can also give us new experiences and opportunities to get together, allowing us to learn or play with one another, perfect for making friends. In conclusion, sharing brings joy not just to others, but also to ourselves indeed, as it helps grow the relationships we have around us. 

There is always a choice, the right thing or the bad,  we are making the choices and choices can give our personality away. We need to follow our heart, where the love is, we can make a right choice and everyone will be happy or we can make a bad choice that might make us temporarily happy but it will lead to consequences. In the story, Uncle Charles had a choice: he can buy ice cream for his family or save his money and nothing happens. He made the right choice and everyone had ice cream. At first Uncle Charles seems rude but now we can see he is not so bad after all by the choices he made. Good choices come from our thinking, managing what we can do. They can lead us to great endings and help us grow. But bad choices can show that we’re impulsive, selfish, or not thinking things through. They can make us feel bad or hurt others. But these mistakes sometimes can teach us lessons about ourselves and how to be a better person. Every choice can show us who we are right now and who we want to be. 

This is a great story that not only has great and entertaining scripts but also has some terrific themes we can learn out of it. The story talks about a boy named Stevey who has an aunt who is always going on trips. His aunt is coming back soon and he wants to prepare a gift for her. Here’s the first theme: First, a family bond is a special thing that can not only bring togetherness but also bring love, it unites the family and gathers the love. He fails to find a perfect gift at stores but his uncle helped him and sold him a toy train for ten dollars. Then his uncle buys some ice cream for everyone with the ten dollars he earned from Stevey. Second theme, Stevey’s Uncle Charly shared, he used his money to buy the ice cream. Sharing can get us relations going, especially for the unpopular people. Last theme but not least, Uncle Charles also made the right choice, he could have kept the money but he did not. If we make the right choice, then the right thing will happen.


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