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Story Review of The Johns Family Express

Characters: Steve, Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Charles, Sean

Setting: In grandma’s home 

Plot: Aunt Carolyn is coming back from a travel

Perspective: First person  

Genre: Realistic fiction


  The story of Jhon's family express is written by Javaka Steptoe. It talks about Steven wanting to find a gift for her Aunt Carolyn. This is because Aunt Carolyn is coming back from her trip for the block party. Steven also has an Uncle named Charles. He is very grumpy. Steven looks around two stores. But the first store has nothing special. The second store is all too expensive. When he was going home, he saw Uncle Charles. He says that if Steven gives him some money, he will help with the present. So steven. gave him ten dollars. He helped Steven prepare a very special train that represents Aunt Carolyn’s travel.


Family love is the most important thing in our life. Family is the one that will care about us, they will make us feel warm. Family will not forget us when we are very lonely outside. In the story, Steven loves her aunt very much. Her Aunt also loves him. So, Aunt Carolyn often sent Steven Postcards. Those postcards are like that Steven could also share the beauty of that place. And he will not forget Aunt Carolyn. They all love each other very much; they also share their happiness. I think that family love is very important.


A gift will make someone happy, but the meaning of a gift is very special. If we just give someone a gift and say nothing. He won’t be very happy. The gift needs to be special, needs to be a thing that we choose. In the story, there is a reason that Steven is not buying the Perkin’s store’s present. The thing is not special enough. We could buy those things anywhere. But at Mrs. Ruby’s store, it is different, everything is handmade, it is unique. If we buy a handmade thing or make our gift by ourselves, it means we take time on it. So, people will like it. I think that we must choose our gift carefully.


We could not judge a book by its cover. Somebody may have a very bad personality on the outside, but we could not just say that he is a very bad person. We must see if he is good on the inside. In the story, Uncle Charles is very grumpy and likes to take others' food. He also doesn’t respect others and is very rude. But he is really very nice inside. He is very fair, he is caring. He helped Steven choose the best gift for Aunt Carolyn. Uncle Charles has a very bad personality, but he is very helpful too. I think that the outside is not as important as the inside.


In conclusion, Family love is the most important thing in our life. They are the ones who care about us. A family will always help us when we are having problems. A gift also needs to be special so others may like it more. We need to see the inside of a person to see if he is good or bad and if we like him or not. Finally, I want to talk about the meaning of express. Expressing is like traveling. Well, it is like the train, the elevator, the plane are all about express.


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