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Story Review of The Gold Cadillac

The story The Gold Cadillac by Mildred D. Taylor is about a girl who’s father buys a gold cadillac, and her mother gets mad because she thought that they were going to save up to buy a new house. The father doesn’t care much, and decides to drive to Mississippi. Mississippi confuses the girls because they don’t understand the signs saying things like WHITE ONLY; COLORED NOT ALLOWED. Then, a policeman thinks the father stole the car and searches him. He gets a ticket, and ends up selling the car to bring the family back together. The story The Gold Cadillac is an illuminating tale about the struggle of African Americans against racism.

Discrimination and prejudice harms someone's rights simply because of who they are or what they believe. As Thomas Jefferson said in the Declaration of Independence, “All men are created equal.” So we should not discriminate towards someone just because they’re different. Our differences are what make us unique. In The Gold Cadillac, the policeman was racist and prejudiced against the father, just because the father had dark skin. And the policeman had a stereotype of black people that made him think all black people are shifty thieves. Racism doesn’t do anything good. It doesn’t help anyone, and it’s fueled by hate. Eventually, nobody will like you because you are prejudiced against people, and you will be alone. It has a lot of negative effects, including but not limited to, an unhappy workplace, more violent conflicts and depression. Discrimination and prejudice is good for nobody, and causes many detrimental consequences.

Family is important, because you are never alone if you have them by your side, and they can help you accomplish your goals. They may advocate for a specific course of action, but will ultimately support your decision. Inside The Gold Cadillac, the father decides to go to Mississippi, which was dangerous, his family, even though they were kind of mad at him, still came with him. His relatives all tried to prevent him from going into danger because they loved him, but they still respected his decision. They were always there for him. Our family raises us and nurtures us, and they are a crucial part of our life. They help us reach our full potential, and they keep us safe. That is why family is a pivotal part of our life.

Money cannot buy everything, because money can't buy you many things such as respect, or happiness. Anything money can buy can only make you happy for a short time. Think of all the times you got a new toy, but less than a week later, you were bored of it. In The Gold Cadillac, the father bought a very expensive car, but that didn’t make his family happier, it only broke them apart. He ended up selling the car so that the mother would be happy again. The policeman also didn’t care that the father had an expensive car, in fact, it was because he had an expensive car that he was arrested. True happiness comes from within, it can’t be manufactured like water bottles. Being happy differs from everyone, but you cannot get it from material things. Money is not omniscient, you cannot do everything with it. To be respected by someone, you must know them for a long time so you can develop a bond that causes respect. Money cannot buy equal treatment for everyone. Money plays an important role in our daily life, but it isn’t everything.

Clearly, everyone should be treated equally despite sex, race, or religion, family is a crucial part of everyone’s life, and money cannot buy happiness.Everyone should be treated equally because everyone is born equal, and how you treat someone should be how you would treat yourself. Family is an important part of our lives because family nurtures us and sticks with us no matter what, and gives us unconditional love. Money cannot buy happiness because money can only provide temporary comfort, not permanent bliss.Inside The Gold Cadillac, all of these lessons are displayed. That is why you should treat people equally, value your family, and not depend on money for happiness. The Gold Cadillac is an interesting book that teaches valuable lessons that will help you throughout life.

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