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Story Review of The Fan Club

The fan club by Rona Maynard is about a girl named Laura at a school where she encounters other girls and bullying. Even though she knows it's wrong she is still too scared to speak out but she judges them in her head, confused as to why they did such things. Laura dislikes school because of this and when she meets Rachel who is like her she is unenthusiastic about becoming friends with her. During a class presentation Laura presents, everyone likes hers then Rachel presents and she messes up her index cards and doesn’t do well so she is laughed at by the other kids. At the end she is invited to the bullies group and she hesitates for a second but then she puts on a pin and starts clapping and therefore joins the bullies. This book teaches us about bullies, the bullied can change to bullying, and people can change.

Bullying is a serious problem that negatively affects many children. Bullies attempt to control or harm others through physical, verbal, or social isolation. They often pick on those they perceive as vulnerable or different.Diana and her group of friends first bullied Laura until they found a more vulnerable target, Rachel, so they started bullying her about her appearance and poverty. The bullies found someone easier to bully so they changed their target. They were standing now, whole rows of them, their faces grinning with delight. This shows there are lots of bullies who are joyful that Rachel is embarrassed and sad that everyone has joined together to bully her. Some kids may even find joy in making others feel bad and go for the most exposed person to attack. However, all children deserve to feel safe and accepted regardless of their appearance, economic background or interests.

Bullied kids might turn to being the bully if given the chance in order to escape and let someone else take the pain. Over long periods of bullying, these people who just want it to stop and might even turn to bullying to stop the torture. Laura, who at the start was the only one who was bullied until Rachel came and at the end of the book, she is invited to help bully Rachel and she accepts and joins the group of girls clapping and embarrassing Rachel even though Laura knows it's bad, she still joins in. Laura was severely bullied so much that she started disliking school even though she was a good student so she went from a good honest student to a bad bully when she saw how vulnerable Rachel was with her appearance and poverty background. Children can change from the bullied to the bully during severe situations but finding new targets to stop the torture is not the right way to heal the pain.

People have the ability to change their thoughts and behaviors over time as they experience different circumstances and influences. Those who are bullied may eventually bully others as a misguided way to escape, while some bullies can recognize the harm they cause and decide to treat their peers with kindness and respect instead. Laura, who is the main character in the book, is targeted by some girls and their friends but after a new girl named Rachel who comes from the poor part of town and has a weird sense of fashion comes to school, the girls start bullying her and eventually, even though Laura is judging their mean behavior, starts being part of the bullying and is invited into the girls bullying group in a way. Laura changed from a good girl at school to a mean bully because of how she was bullied and didn’t like how she felt so she thought it was fine to do it to someone else. Change could happen either way,only the inner strength will lead us to the right option and heal the pain eventually.

The fan club by Rona Maynard is about a girl named Laura which helps convey the idea of  bullies, the bullied can change to bullying, and people can change. Bullies are a specific group of people that are either physically stronger, repeatedly harassing someone, or seen as socially popular even if they are not. Diana is the leader of the bullies and she is portrayed as smart and beautiful even though she is mean to her victims. People like Laura who were originally the ones being bullied, changed to being the bully to a more vulnerable person. Change can happen over time and during certain circumstances while being given the chance like Diana to Laura when after hesitating for a second, she started clapping and showed herself as joining with the bullies. The fan club teaches us these values and informs us about the features related to bullies and their actions.

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