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Story Review of The Bracelet

This the story, the Bracelet is written by Yoshiko Uchida talks about the life of Japanese Americans’ lives after the Pearl Harbor attack. The story is about Ruri, a Japanese girl. All the Japanese on the west coast are evacuated by the government to the concentration camp. Before leaving, one of the neighbors gave a bracelet to Ruri and said goodbye to Ruri. After they arrive there, they go to the fortieth flat and do the cleaning. Unfortunately, Ruri lost the bracelet and she didn't find it before going to another concentration camp. Ruri is very sad after this happened. Mother told Ruri that even if the thing is lost, he will still remember the neighbor just like he won’t forget father and other people.

War is cruel, it may break many family’s lives even if they are lucky and happy before. Any country who has a country with another, will bring racism between the countries because both the people in the two countries are always upset about it. It changes Ruri’s family's life totally. Before, their living conditions were really good, they had clothes in the closet and clean stuff. But after the big change, there is only junk on the floor. In the flat, it's in a bad condition compared with the house before. They had such a lucky time before the war happened, but everything changed, their life became worse after the war. The war brings the family a big problem and it makes the family become unlucky.

War brings the unfortunate, and the most is racism. War is the final way to show the clash between two nations. If it happens, many of the people will have hostility to the other country no matter if the people here are loyal or not to them. In the story, war happened between America and Japan, and Ruri gets the hostility as he is Japanese. When they go to the concentration camp, the soldiers have guns and stiletto, “They were carrying guns with mounted bayonets. I wondered if they thought we would try to run away and whether they’d shoot us or come after us with their bayonets if we did.” It has a bad effect on people. Anyway, not all of the people are bad to the country, but as the need of the government, they still have to be closed. Racism brings bad effects to the normal people, and that’s hard to forget through life.

But even if there is racism, the friendships among the society still exist. There are always people who are clear about some of the things in the messy world, and these people bring peace to the society. In the story, Ruri’s neighbors are people like this. They know the truth of the family, and they are willing to help them and understand them. When they were going to leave, his friend gave him a souvenir at the end. Another neighbor helps them go there by car. They helped them from different aspects, but all of them show the beauty and the clarity in the world. This helps them get over the hard time and brings them hope, especially the bracelet, it makes the author sometimes remember here. Then the last kindness that exists could be help for people.

In the story, society is messy, people live in chaos. And because of this, many normal families which are loyal to the society are in big problems. But anyway, some people know the difference between the army of Japan and normal Japanese families. In the story, we can see different kinds of people, such as his friendly neighbors and the frosty soldiers. They change the life of the family, from good aspects and bad aspects. The author lived in the world and struggled to get out, and they did. Even though Ruri lost the bracelet, but he remembers it, he still remembers the friendship with his friends and neighbors, including his relatives such as his father who is in another concentration camp. That is all he did in that world.

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