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Story Review of The Blind Hunter

THE BLIND HUNTER is about a man who is blind named Chirobo going hunting with a young man named Muteye who underestimated him. In the story, the blind man three times beats the young man to feel the elements around them. Chirobo used his three other senses which is hearing, smelling, and feeling to “see” the surroundings. In the end, Chirobo and Muteye hunted together. The blind man caught a much bigger and fatter bird than Muteye. The young man’s jealousy caused him to switch the prey they had caught and took the bigger bird for himself. But of course, Chirobo found out. Muteye was very ashamed of what he did. Chirobo found it in his heart that he forgave the young man for taking his prey. Here are some main morals I learned from this story.

If you lose a competition, be fair and don’t cheat. Learning to lose gracefully is a valuable skill in life. Everybody wants to win, yet there could only be one winner. There would always be some who lose. When Muteye caught a smaller bird than Chirobo he cheated and took advantage of Chirobo’ s blindness by switching up the birds. Muteye was not happy that he, a young man who could see, was beaten by an old man who could not see. We could try to learn from what happens when we lose instead of trying to trick others into thinking we won. And even if you did win, don’t try to show off too much. That would only make others feel bad and might not ever play with you again. Showing good sportsmanship is extremely important when you are competing.

Underestimating the ones who are different from us would make us look bad. We are all different from each other, therefore, we do things in separate ways. None of the ways are right or wrong and we shall not judge others just because we think their ways of doing things are silly. Chirobo is blind, so he has other ways of “seeing” things. Muteye did not understand this at first, he took advantage of Chirobo’ s blindness and thought he didn’t even know what he was doing. However, Chirobo can still see by using his hearing, smelling, feeling, and most important of all using his heart to feel the elements around him. Chirobo lacked one of his five senses. But he used his other senses to make up for it. That is Chirobo’ s own way of “seeing”.

THE BLIND HUNTER is a story about kindness and forgiveness. Chirobo understands how to treat others the right way. Chirobo is best known for his kindness in the town. Muteye tried to trick him, but he was way too wise to be tricked. Chirobo forgives Muteye. Many might think that forgiveness is a favor you give to others, but it also does good to yourself, too. It allows you to free yourself from the burden and influence from the person who harmed you. Chirobo’ s kindness also shows throughout the story. He always plays with children and tells them stories. Kindness leads to happiness. Acts of kindness make the world a better place. Chirobo’ s ability to forgive and generosity is what makes him so great.

THE BLIND HUNTER is a story about a blind person named Chirobo and a young hunter. They go hunting together, Chirobo surprises Muteye several times by sensing their surroundings by using senses other than sight. Then, Muteye switches the prey they caught when he saw that the blind man caught a bigger duck than him. In the end, Chirobo chooses to forgive him for what he did. This story teaches us that if we lose in a competition, we need to play fair and not cheat. Also, different people have separate ways of doing things, we shall never underestimate someone just because they are different. The ability to forgive and be kind is some of the main characteristics we need to have to be truly great. THE BLIND HUNTER is a great tale that uses clear language to talk about people with disabilities without being melodramatic.

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