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Story Review of The Blind Hunter

There was a blind person in a village. He is called Chirobo. He is very wise and kind. He met a hunter passing by called Muteye. Chirobo talked with Muteye and drank soup together with him. He asked him to take him to hunt. Till the second day, they went on their way. Chirobo did not use his eyes. Instead, he used his ears, skin, and nose to see. When Chirobo caught a big duck, Muteye caught a little bird. Muteye decided to exchange the prey with them. When Muteye asked Chirobo why people fought, Chirobo told him that that was because people wanted to be better than others and he also told the truth that Muteye took his duck. Muteye felt bad and changed the prey back.

Respect each other because we are all equal. To show respect is to be good and be fair with each other. At first, Muteye did not show respect to Chirobo just because he is a blind person. Muteye thinks that he is better than Chirobo because a blind person cannot be a hunter. But, at last he found out that Chirobo can hunt without using his eyes. He can also do more things without his eyes. Muteye should have respect for Chirobo. It was wrong for Muteye to not respect a blind person. Although people all look different, they should respect each other.Don’t look down upon other people.

Don’t lie to others or they may tell the truth. To not lie to others is to be truthful to others. Muteye lied to Chirobo, because he was jealous and switched Chirobo’s duck with his little bird to make Chirobo think that Muteye hunted a duck and he hunted a little bird. Muteye thought that a blind person would never know that he lied. Muteye should not lie to Chirobo when Chirobo was kind to him. Muteye should be loyal to Chirobo. Don’t lie to others, especially when they still help you. Lies will always be shown up.

We should forgive others when they notice their mistakes. To forgive others to not care about their mistakes and what they do wrong. Chirobo forgave Muteye for taking his duck. He did not shout at Muteye. Chirobo wasn't angry even when Muteye lied to him and did not tell him that he switched the prey they got. Muteye knew what he did was wrong and fixed his mistake and returned the duck to Chirobo.People should notice their mistakes like Muteye and forgive others like Chirobo.It is wise to forgive others when they have found their mistakes and fixed them.

Muteye is jealous of Chirobo because he is a blind man and can do things better than him. He didn’t respect Chirobo and lied to him and switched the two prey that they both hunted. Muteye told Chirobo what he had done. Chirobo did not get angry, instead he forgave Muteye when he noticed his mistakes. People should not be jealous and lie to others. But when you notice your mistakes and fix them, you can be forgiven by others.

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