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Story Review of The Blind Hunter

The Blind Hunter by Christina Rodana was about Chiribo. Chiribo was an old man who lived alone in an African village. One day, a young hunter named Muteye came to the village, looking forward to hunting birds. Chribio invited him to eat stew with him and revealed that he was also a hunter before he went blind. He then asked to go hunting with Muteye. The next day, Muteye did not have confidence in Chribo. However, Chiribo helped Muteye avoid danger multiple times using his other senses. At the end of the hunt, Muteye found that Chiribo had caught a fatter duck and was jealous, so he swapped his bird with Chiribo’s. However, the old man knew that Muteye stole his duck and told him so. Muteye returned the creature and asked for Chiribo’s forgiveness, and he agreed.

Just because somebody has a disability does not mean that he/she will never be good at anything. Every person has more than only one skill or capability. In the story, Chirobo was blind, but he was still a great hunter. He used his senses of hearing, smell, and feeling to identify a leopard, warthogs, and rhinos. In the end, he also caught a duck that was fatter than Muteye’s quail and knew that Muteye swapped the birds. Although Chiribo had lost his sense of sight, it did not mean he could not become an excellent hunter. Disabilities do not necessarily have to be crippling.

Admiration for somebody else is completely ok, but the same cannot be said about being jealousy. Jealousness can entice somebody to do evil things to get their way. In the story, Muteye was jealous because the bird he caught was thin and tiny while Chiribo’s trap had a fat duck in it. He decided to steal Chiribo’s duck and replace it with his quail. At the beginning of the book, Muteye boasted that he would return to his home with a sack of fat birds. He probably felt bad because he was unable to do what he said he would and swapped the birds. Muteye stole Chiribo’s catch and replaced it with his own out of jealousy. Jealousy must be avoided at all times.

Sometimes, it can be easy to underestimate a person. Everyone can have concealed talents. In the story, Muteye believed Chiribo would not be a good hunter because he was blind. What Muteye did not know was that Chiribo was great at using his other senses to detect the animals that could pose a threat to the hunters. Although Chiribo was blind, Muteye did not expect the old man to use his other senses while they were hunting. Chiribo had hidden skills that made him a better hunter than Muteye. Every person has talents that might not be recognized by some people at first.

The Blind Hunter is a fictional story about an old ex-hunter named Chiribo. At the time of the story, Chiribo was blind and yet he went hunting with a young man named Muteye. Chiribo redeemed himself as an excellent hunter by using his other senses. Muteye later stole Chiribo’s duck and Chiribo told him so. From this story, we can learn several themes. First, disabilities do not always have to be life-defining. Second, admiration is acceptable, while jealousy is not. Lastly, every person has concealed talents that make him/her special. The Blind Hunter is an enjoyable fictional story that also teaches us many morals.

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