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Story Review of Stray

This is about a girl called Doris written by Cynthia Rylant. One day when Doris was coming back home from school, she spotted a dog. The dog was shivering and staring at her, Doris felt bad for it so she decided to take it home. But, as soon her parents saw it, they started to have thoughts of not keeping the dog. But Doris really wanted to keep the dog because she felt really bad for it because outside was shivering and she wanted to take care of the dog. Finally her parents agreed and let her keep the dog for a while in the garage ( Which was also freezing cold ) and she fed it food scraps. But this dog was really well behaved, it didn’t howl, bark or whimper. It didn’t even follow Doris when he was not supposed to. As time passed, her dad decided to take them to the animal pound but in the end he didn’t because he realised how awful it was to leave a dog in the pound.

When someone is poor, he/she cannot make many choices, especially the ones he/she wants to make. Like if you are poor, you have to work multiple jobs and maybe even life - risking jobs to carry on our family and make sure our family can still survive. In this story, we might think that Doris’s parents are a little bit cruel, but actually, they also love the dog, they want to make Doris happy and they want to adopt the dog. But the thing is that they don’t have enough money to take care of the dog. So it doesn’t mean that Doris’s parents don’t let her have the dog, it is that they have no choice. If we are poor we don’t have that many choices to choose because that is how life is. But if we are rich, we have many choices like we can buy a very nice house, car and maybe even send our children to a very good school and give them a good education. Sometimes, in life we don’t have that many choices.

Poor people can also be kind, people don't need money to be kind. Like if you are poor, you can still be kind because Kindness doesn’t need money, kindness only depends on our heart and our personality and our patience. In this story, at the end, Doris’s parents decided not to give the dog away because when her dad went to the pound to give the dog away, it was filthy and miserable. “Worst looking place I’ve ever seen. Ten dogs to a cage. Smell was enough to knock you down. And they give an animal six days to live. Then they kill it with some kind of a shot.""I wouldn’t leave an ant in that place,” he said. “So I brought the dog back.”. You don’t need money or anything important like your house to be kind because kindness will just depend on you. If you don’t want to be nice, then you will not be nice, and if your heart has the strength or opportunity to be nice then you can be nice. People don’t need money to be kind, it all depends on our heart and our real kindness.

Animals are also a part of our human living, because without them, humans might not even exist. It is important to take care of animals because animals also play a very active and important role in our world. Without them we might not even be alive because we came from animals and we are a type of animal. In this story, Doris’s parents decided not to put the dog in the pound because it didn’t want it to die and they also love and like the dog because it was a good and sensible dog and they want to make Doris happy too. Sometimes, if we are doing something, we might not notice that we are also hurting animals, like for example praying. Some people kill the animals and get their heart out and pray, but actually without harming / killing animals, we can still get good luck in many different ways. Protecting animals is a must. 

In conclusion, now we know that when someone is poor, he/she cannot make many choices, especially the ones he/she wants to make, poor people can also be kind, people don't need money to be kind, and Animals are also a part of our human living, because without them, humans might not even exist. If you are poor, you have to work multiple jobs and maybe even life - risking jobs to carry on our family and make sure our family can still survive. And if you are poor, you can still be kind because Kindness doesn’t need money, kindness only depends on our heart and our personality and our patience. Finally, It is important to take care of animals because animals also play a very active and important role in our world. Without them we might not even be alive because we came from animals and we are a type of animal.

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