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Story Review of Stone Soup

Basic Elements:

Characters: Hok, Lok, Siew, the Villagers

Setting: The mountain road

Plot: The three monks are trying to find out what makes one happy.

Genre: Folk Tale

The story "Stone Soup" is written by Lios Lenski. It talks about three monks who are traveling to a hill. On top of the hill stands a village. When the monks see the village on top, they enter the village. The villagers close their doors and shut their windows tight. The villagers are working hard, but only for themselves. Because of wars, famine, and other issues happening, the villagers just can't trust anyone, even their neighbors. The monks start to find some twigs and then light a fire. A girl comes and helps them. The monks decide to make stone soup. The girl's mother comes and gives them the biggest pot. They get stones and put them in the soup. Many villagers start to come out of their houses to see what all the commotion is about. One of them offers some spices to put in the soup. People start to come out and offer all kinds of things to put in the soup. Slowly, instead of being stubborn, the villagers start to be giving and give all they have. The villagers have a feast together. Now, the villagers know that if they only unite together, they can have more happiness than usual. When the monks need to go, the villagers gather together to say farewell.

Happiness is a part of our lives and we can be the one to step in and make happiness by creating unity. Having unity can help people feel less lonely and start to unite together which can make someone feel better and happy. In the story, the monks attracted the villagers together by simply making stone soup, and after the villagers started to express themselves, they realized how good it is to be together instead of being selfish and working for only themselves. When people unite together, they will want to start doing something and when one starts everybody simply follows and slowly people will start to join. Happiness is an important thing to have and we can always be the first one to create happiness.

Treating people with tolerance without blaming can help each other to get better at education or their jobs in a whole better way. If we are good to others and not falting them, they will feel happy and cheerful, and they will like us because we won’t make them sad or angry like others. If we have patience then others will think we can wait and waiting is just part of our life. In the story, the monks treated the villagers with torance and without blaming so the selfish villagers started to unite and became kind while giving their hearts. The monks’ goal is to get the villagers to be kind and that is what they did. When we don’t blame others while having patience and without blaming, we sometimes can get them to do something we may want, sort of like persuading, but in a gentle way or coax. Treating others fairly is important for their mental health and also for their education.

Disasters will affect people to be untrusting to each other to make sure that they are safe, which can also cause people to be selfish and working only for themselves. People will start to be suspicious of each other so they can stay safe just in case any enemies just might be their neighbors. In the story, the villagers were selfish and untrusting of each other, and they only worked for themselves. It is actually not the villager’s fault that they are selfish, they are selfish because the village is in a bad environment with war and famine. The villagers are innocent, if there are no such disasters, then there might be no misfortune and people will not be that much aware of the misfortune. It is a disaster that makes people selfish and the very day you are in right now may have a disaster going somewhere in the world. If you see anyone selfish who is always walking away from people as if they don’t trust us, it might be because of misfortunes. 

The story Stone soup is a magnificent story that talks about three monks who enter a village. The villagers were selfish and untrusting of each other, so they disappeared into their homes. The monks started to make a fire and made some stone soup. The villagers came out to see, and they started to give instead of being selfish. That good story also has lots of themes: first, happiness is part of our life and we can bring it to the community if we unite. Second, if we treat others well by having patience and without blaming them we can make them feel happy and like us. This can be improved by education or their job. Third, disasters like wars and famine can cause the world to become selfish because people will start to blame each other for starting the disasters. This is surely a great story that is really worth reading.

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