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Story Review of Shell

The realistic fiction story “Shells” written by Cynthia Rylant talks about Michael and Aunt Esther’s relationship. One day, Michael and Aunt Esther were having an argument in the kitchen. They argued whether Michael hated Aunt Esther or not. It had begun like this because Michael’s parents had died and Aunt Esther offered to let him in. However, in the new environment, Michael resisted whatever was new. School kids didn’t notice him and Aunt Esther was uninterested. One day he went to the pet store and bought a hermit crab because he was very lonely. Aunt Esther was interested in the hermit crab and suggested buying more hermit crabs for his companion. This was the relationship between Aunt Esther and Michael. Michael became open minded and ready for whatever was new. This makes Aunt Esther learn that she didn’t even care for Michael previously and she was sorry for that. Overall, this story teaches us things could be better through changes, including the change through the hermit crab Sluggo, through Aunt Esther, and through Michael.

The best way to cope with great loss is to talk to someone or something, which helps release the pain. When people are grieving after losing their loved ones, it is unhealthy to keep the feelings inside of them, as it will negatively affect their mental and physical health. Michael’s parents died. He refuses to believe that his parents died. In paragraph 21“He still smelled his father’s Old Spice somewhere, his mother’s talc.” And even worse, he is forced to live with his Aunt Esther and leave his friends behind. Michael feels lonely so he builds an invisible wall around him, disconnected to Aunt Esther, who acts like “his mom”. Michael is very lonely, desperately in need of something to make his life better, so he brings home a hermit crab from the pet store. This marks the beginning change of Michael. In fact, this opens him up to have a conversation with Aunt Esther. Michael even agrees with Aunt Esther that Sluggo needs a companion so they went to the pet store together. That is another of Michael’s changes. At the end of the story, he cries when Aunt Esther makes a funny reference about his mom. He hasn’t let himself feel the emotions of really losing his parents, and now, it hurts deeply. Michael cannot deal with his parents’ death. Michael finally opens up and starts to talk to Aunt Esther, not just keep the feelings inside of him. When Aunt Esther embraced Michael, he let his guard down and cried. It seems that Michael finally finds “his mother” on Aunt Esther. In paragraph 61, the article says, “Michael sensed a familiar smell then. His mother’s talcum powder.” Like Sluggo, he is beginning to come out of his own shell and let Aunt Esther to be in his life. That is the biggest change since Michael lost his mom. Michael teaches us that things could be better from grieving if you are willing to open your heart and let someone to share your thoughts and feelings.

Having a companion for people who shut down themselves caused by a great loss is a great remedy because they will not feel lonely. It could be difficult to know what to say when someone is grieving. Sometimes the best way is to say nothing and be sitting with the grieving person. A companion doesn’t have to be a talking person. It can be an animal, or even a stuffed animal, as long as it is giving the grieving person some kind of emotional support. Michael brings home a hermit crab and names him Sluggo. Aunt Esther sees it and grows interested in it. She learns from Michael that hermit crabs only grow. In paragraph 34, Michael says that hermit crabs “Just grow, I guess” This is a normal change for the hermit crab. Aunt Esther says that Sluggo needs a companion. In paragraph 41, “I think he needs a companion,” said Aunt Esther.”This shows that Aunt Esther is thinking that sluggo’s life would be better with other crabs, suggesting that Michael is like Sluggo and needs others to be with him. Then Miachel and Aunt Esther go to the pet store to buy 20 more hermit crabs and a 30-gallon tank. Now all the hermit crabs are in a big tank, and all of them are growing. This is another change for Sluggo. Sluggo has gone from one small shell to another big shell, and also he changed from being alone to being in the company of other hermit crabs. Sluggo’s life is getting better with each change. The hermit crab Sluggo teaches us a companion can be anything, and everyone needs a companion. Life is better if you are not alone, especially for people who are in a sad state.

When people are in a really tense relationship with others, it would be best if they can give others chances to converse with. By talking to the people who are uninteresting, they are actually giving themselves an opportunity to make the change toward others. Aunt Esther at the beginning doesn’t care about Michael and thinks Micahel dislikes her. In paragraph 5, Aunt Esther says “ You hate it here, and you hate me.” She is closed off from Michael from the description in paragraph 21 and 22 “ He (Michael) came home alone everyday and usually found Esther on the phone.” and “ She (Aunt Esther) might send him away if he couldn’t be nicer.” Later in the story, Aunt Esther allows herself to express her true feelings about him. First she makes small changes like paying attention to Sluggo and having a short conversation with Michael suggesting he buy more hermit crabs to be with Sluggo. After they get 21 hermit crabs from the pet store, Aunt Esther makes a comment about Michael’s mom, trying to start a friendly conservation with Michael. In paragraph 56, she says, “Oh, what would your mother think, Michael, if she could see this mess we’ve gotten ourselves into!” Soon she sees Michael crying and realizes that the boy is still in a great pain of losing his parents. Aunt Esther then whispers at him saying “I am sorry” in paragraph 58. She then gently embraces Micahel and touches his arms. This shows Aunt Esther’s big change toward Michael that she does care about Michael. Aunt Esther’s life with Michael is getting better as she changes the way she interacts with Micahel. Aunt Esther’s change helps us reflect that the tense relationship with others would be getting better if we change how we engage with them or how we respond to them.

“Shell” is a very touching and realistic short story describing how people react to the loss of loved ones and the process of making the change for the better. The author clearly presents the concept of change via talking about the hermit crab Sluggo, Michael, and Aunt Esther. As you can see, most of the time the hermit crab Sluggo hides in its shell. When Sluggo grows big enough and cannot fit into the original shell, it will make a change for better life. Just like Sluggo, the character Michael lives in his own world, being distant from reality due to the death of his parents. Michael makes changes through Sluggo to cope with the great loss, which opens mutual conservations between Aunt Esther and him. This, in turn, leads Aunt Esther to make changes of showing more care toward Michael. Both characters, Micahel and Aunt Esther, change from being isolated at the beginning to being more open at the end. Their changes make me realize that we need to put ourselves into other people’s shoes and try to be sensitive to them when they are in a very bad shape. We never know what they are going through and how much pain they are suffering. What they need might just be a little kindness and support to help them come out of their shells.

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