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Story Review of Seventh Grade

SEVENTH GRADE by Gary Soto introduces the start of seventh grade at school, where Victor is excited to take French classes because his crush, Teresa, would be there too. He meets his friend, Michael, makes a funny scowling face because it attracts girls. Victor had the same homeroom as Teresa, and tried talking to her, but failed. He kept daydreaming about her during English class and lunch break. Finally, during French class, he saw her. When Mr. Bueller asked if anyone knew French, Victor stood up and pretended to speak French. Mr. Bueller knew he didn’t know a word, so he ignored him. After class, when only the teacher, Victor, and Teresa were still left, she said she was impressed by Victor and wanted him to teach her. Mr. Bueller didn’t say anything, because once, he too tried impressing a girl with money. Victor left, with feelings of joy blooming about him.

Lies are a false statement used for the purpose of deceiving someone or trying to hide something from someone. Though lying may help people during several moments, it also has consequences and may harm the person one day. Lies are two sided, or a double-edged knife, in which it may not only help the user but also harm them later on. In Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, it is shown how several characters lie in order to impress someone who is special to them. For example, Victor lies about knowing how to speak French and says weird blabbers that sound like French in order to impress his crush, Teresa. It is also hinted that Mr. Bueller also tried to impress his girlfriend by lying about his richness while he had to go back to his parents because he became broke soon after. Lying may also be used for the purpose of impressing someone else or attempting to show that one is stronger, tougher, or different in any other way from one’s real self. Lying can greatly impact one’s connections and relationships with another, whether it is among business connections, friends, family members, or even strangers. In serious and negative circumstances, lying can cause severe problems if one finds out about it. Doing such an act may also harm others who have received the lie and believe it. The famous fictional figure Pinnochio, whose nose grows longer every time he lies, now symbolizes untruthfulness. While the term “lie” is normally heard of as a negative term, it has both advantages and disadvantages.

Love can be reflected in romantic terms, among loving families, friends, or even in the community and society. This term can change nearly everything and everyone around one: their relationships, opinions, personalities, and even their whole futures. Love doesn’t need to be a romantic feeling, but rather shows care and admiration towards another. In the short story, Victor has the typical teenage boy feelings about a girl he has a crush on and likes: Teresa. He would always try to search for her and try to talk to her or get her attention every time he saw her. This type of love did change his personality, opinions about specific topics, and actions or reactions. When we meet a specific point in our life, we, just like Victor and Michael, may to interested in love. This can impact our current lives either in a good way or a bad way. Most parents are shown to care a lot about their children’s love life and about how it might impact their education, future, and even more specific features, for example, their personality and opinion. Love can also affect the people around one; some people might have different feelings and opinions about it and might even change the course of the overall route. However, one must not let this distract them or distance them from anything one does in one’s normal life: from hobbies to education. Love can differ in many different types and impact one’s life in many different ways, from hobbies to personality.

Liaison is the overall and general connection or relationship one has with the people they know or people who play an important role in their lives, concerning businesses and jobs to more detailed and personal friend and family relationship. This term mainly bounds together the terms of “lie” and “love”, which both have disadvantages and advantages; it balances the cons and pros, and attempts to make one’s life more stable. In the story, liaison is shown within many different people that Victor meets and interacts with on his first day of seventh grade. The relationship between him and others also changes the way they talk to each other, the tone and mood, emotions about them, and the way they interact with each other. For example, Teresa, who is Victor’s crush, talks to him in a more polite manner and doesn’t talk too deeply about things with him. Victor also shows for nervous emotions when he talk to her in fear of changing her opinion of him and also emphasizes on how much he really likes her. On the other hand, when talking to his best friend Michael, they talk in a more casual and comfortable manner, with easy-going greetings and goodbyes. Victor is also more comfortable in expressing his own opinions and feelings with Michael. Our relationship and connection with other people also change the way we talk to them, interact with them, and our opinion on them.

SEVENTH GRADE by Gary Soto introduces Victor on the first day of seventh grade and his interacts with nearby classmates and people. Lie, love, and liaison are some of the most common terms in daily life; each holds strong relationships with the other. Every day, everyone might lie one or two times, many different types of love take place, and businesses or other organizations are connected to each other by liaison. Some of these terms may be bad and some are lovely, but all three are the three basic things that shape the community and everyone's lives, and keep the ongoing flow of civilization. The three terms can be applied to business connections, friendship, family relationships, and more. They can make a significant impact not only on people’s lives personally, but maybe even part of society’s future.

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