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Story Review of One Riddle One Answer

Characters: Aziza, the sultan, the scholar, the soldier, the merchant and the farmer.

Setting: At the sultan’s palace.

Plot: Aziza gave out a riddle, and who got it right could marry her. But nobody got it right.

One Riddle One Answer is written by Lauren Thompson. It mainly talks about a girl named Aziza who wanted to marry someone, but she couldn’t find the right person. So, she set a riddle, and who got the right answer will be her husband. A scholar said the sun, a soldier said a sword, a merchant said money but Aziza’s reply to all of them was no. Finally, a farmer came, and he said number one. He analyzed why, and Aziza’s reply was yes. So, they married and lived happily ever after.

People with the same interests or likes can pair together and sometimes have the same feeling. When they have hearts that are connected, they can talk and understand each other very easily. They can also become friends or date if they communicate well. In the story, Aziza likes numbers, so she made a riddle whose answer was a number. Ahmed also loved numbers, so they have the same interests and can understand each other. All of the other men were just giving an answer related to their job, and they did not understand the riddle completely. When both of us have the same interests, it is very easy for us to communicate, understand or have the same feelings about something. So, having the same likes is helpful and reliable for making friends.

A person needs to have their own solution, knowledge and wisdom to find their happiness. When we have these three things, finding happiness is easy because if you want to make friends or find a date, and the other person wants a person full of knowledge, you will be the one to choose. In the book, Aziza posed a riddle, and whoever answered correctly would win her hand. A few people tried to answer, but the reply was wrong. Aziza felt discouraged, and thought nobody could answer it. But, Ahmed the farmer came and he used his knowledge to answer the riddle correctly. He also made happiness for himself for the rest of his life and Aziza too. Using knowledge, we can win many things. For example, a heart, a hand, or a friend. We can make more and more friends with our wisdom. So, have more knowledge and wisdom in order to make friends or a date.

We need to think outside the box and not just keep our opinion in a limited area. When we do this, our brain will just think of one opinion, and we will only focus on one. That way, we can’t think of other reasons or examples to fulfill this idea. In the story, the men who answered this question limited their answers, thinking of only one side, and the thing is also related to their job. Only one man named Ahmed thought about different sides and things. From that way, he won against Aziza. When we open our brain and think of more ideas, we are fulfilling our opinion or idea to be stronger and stronger. That way, in a contest or in public communication, we can win over others. So, try to think of more ideas and don’t put your brain in a limited area.

To conclude, having the same interests or likes, having our own solutions to find happiness and thinking outside the box is all very helpful to each and everyone. We can have more interests to make friends, be more knowledgeable in order to find happiness and not putting our brains in a limited area allows us to think outside of the box and fulfill our opinions. So, they are all important. Anyway, I really like this story because it really is wonderful, teaches me lessons and I really recommend it to everyone.

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