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Story Review of One Riddle, One Answer

Basic Elements:

Characters: Aziza, sultan, Farmer

Setting: Long ago, Persia

Plot: The Sultan can’t find a perfect husband for Aziza.

Genre: Fairy Tales

The story “One Riddle” was written by Lauren Thompson. It talked about one day a long time ago when a powerful sultan had a daughter Azziza who needed to find the perfect husband to marry. The sultan's advisers only wanted their own sons and many people wanted to marry Azziza. Azziza was wise so she came up with a solution which was to pose a riddle. The first answer was from an astronomer and his answer was the sun but the answer was wrong. A soldier came and said his answer was a sword but it was wrong. The other answer was from a merchant and the answer was money but, as always the answer was wrong. After many tries, one answer which was the number one from a farmer had the correct answer and married Azizza.

Selfish people are almost always greedy and only want to have the best for themselves, therefore this makes them wild and do unwise unexpected actions to others. When people are selfish they only want the best and they don’t really care about others. In the story, the sultan needs to find a perfect husband for his daughter Aziza. The sultan's advisers are selfish and they only want their sons to marry princess Aziza. People who are selfish don’t care about you but there will be a chance they might harm us just by not caring about us. The sultan’s advisers are selfish for only advertising their own sons to the sultan. Selfish people only want the best for themselves and they are also reckless so stay away for the best.

Some people are positive while on the other hand other people are negative, being positive will help us accomplish or achieve new stuff while being negative will only make us worry more. Being positive can help us be less stressed because we believe we can do it but if we are negative, it will only make us nervous. In the story the sultan is a little negative because he thinks that no one would ever solve the riddle, just because of this one little reason the sultan is not happy and he is already worrying about things, but the sultan’s daughter knows that someone will find the answer to the riddle, and the person will be the person who will marry her. Being positive will help us live happier, it has been researched and proven. Being negative won't be so good, it will only make us more tired and also give us high blood pressure. The best way is to be a positive person. Negativity is bad for people, but staying positive will be better and help people too.

We need to open our mind more, always have new great ideas and learn to get more knowledge, it can help our mind be more active and limitless. We will get knowledge when we study and with it we will have better efficiency. In the story, there are three answers and all of them are wrong. The three answers are being answered from three different people and the answers have a relationship with their jobs. If the answer is from a merchant then their answer is money, from this we can see that some people’s mind is limited and they can only see the only thing they have, which is what they do. When we get knowledge we will use the knowledge we know to finish things quicker and better. There will be one way to get things done, but that doesn’t mean there’s only one way. If we find another method to learn skills, we can use another method to do things faster and more efficiently if it is better.

This is a brilliant story that talks about the Sultan's daughter Aziza, who is trying to find a husband who posts a riddle. She is deciding the person who has the answer to the riddle will win her heart. There are many people who come to try to solve the riddle but the answers are all wrong and when Aziza is starting to be hopeless, she finds the perfect husband with the right answer to the riddle. Besides having a good story, this story also has great lessons for us to discover. First, selfish people are greedy and only want all the benefits for themselves. Selfish people don't really care about us so if we ever meet a selfish person, we should stay away. Second, some people are positive and some are negative. We need to be positive people, then we will achieve more and also be healthy too. Third, we need to get an education while always thinking of new ideas. If we don't, our brain will only have a limited amount of knowledge. There are many more themes and lessons in this great story to find out.

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