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Story Review of One Riddle, One Answer

Characters: Aziza(main), Ahmed, the sultan, astronomer, soldier, merchant, advisors

Setting: In Persia

Plot: Aziza posed a riddle to find a good husband.

One riddle, one answer is an interesting fairy tale story. In the story, there is a princess named Aziza who has to be married, but she doesn’t like the sons of the advisors. She wants to marry someone she loves, so she poses a riddle to the whole country. Who can solve this riddle will be her husband. There were three men who provided the answers – an astronomer, a solder and a merchant, but the answers were all wrong. At the end, a farmer named Ahmed got the correct answer. Aziza and Ahmed both got married and have a happy life. From this story, I have learned three things as below.

True love should originate from two people’s common interests, not determined by money, social status and family. With common interests, husband and wife will easily feel happy in their daily life. Money, social status and family are important to make life easy, but they can’t make life happy. Like in the story, princess Aziza loves numbers and farmer Ahmed loves numbers too. Although Ahmed is poor, he is the only one who understands Aziza’s mind. This manifests same hobby is the key point to connect Aziza and Ahmed. Prince marries princess happens mostly in fairy tales, but in real life, if the love needs to last long, the lovers should be better to have similar hobbies and interests.

Solving a problem shouldn’t be limited to our professional field, but to jump out of our comfort zone. Out of the limitation, we could have more decisions, more ways of looking at things and seeing further. The comfort zone is just a part of our life, but many things could be done out of it. The astronomer, the soldier and the merchant just think limitedly in their comfort zone – the astronomer said sun, the soldier said sword and the merchant said money, but the farmer thought differently from his domain which makes him the only one who gave the correct answer. Therefore, it shows that opening our mind when solving issues is very important. In fact, the more knowledge we have, the easier it is to break the limitation of our view.

Success needs self-confidence, positive thinking and persistence. When we pursue our dream or something we want to do, first, we need self-confidence to trust ourselves that we could do it. Second, if we have positive thoughts, we could easily persist and continue. Like in the story, Aziza has positive thinking when her father said it was impossible that someone solves the riddle. But she said that perhaps there was one. Also, she has persistence – she refused people after people, but didn’t stop. Thus, this indicates that positive minds are important at anything we do. This illustrates the importance of those thoughts.

One riddle, one answer, shows that those common interests could make true love. Also, we shouldn’t be limited by our comfort zone when solving problems and the more knowledge we have, the easier it is. Last but not the least, self-confidence, positive thinking and persistence is very important if you want to succeed.

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