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Story Review of One Riddle and One Answer

Characters: Sultan, Aziza, Scholar, Soldier, Merchant, Farmer

Setting: In the Sultan’s kingdom

Plot: The sultan is looking for a husband for Aziza.

Genre: Fairy tales


The story one riddle one answer is written by Lauren Thompson. Talks about a sultan having a kid named Aziza. He loves Aziza very much; he wants to find a good husband for her. But all of his advisors think that their own kid is the best. Aziza posted a very hard riddle. The first person to come to answer said that the answer is sun, but Aziza says that it is wrong because it only answered one part of the riddle. Then, two more answers come, they are sword and money, those are wrong too. The reason that they are wrong is the same as the last one. They only answered one part of the riddle. When Aziza is thinking that no one could answer the riddle, a farmer comes and says the right answer, number one. He also explained very well about the answer. So, Aziza married him. 


   Some people are very selfish, when they get benefits, they only think about themselves. Some people don’t care if their family or themselves really can do the thing or match to do this thing. In the story, the sultan’s advisors don’t even care if their son really matches Aziza. They keep saying that they want their own son to be Aziza’s husband. If their son becomes Aziza’s husband, their family will become rich, because Aziza is the Sultan’s daughter. The Sultan is the King! The advisors are like they don’t even care if they really match. That’s like you telling a P.E teacher to teach math. I think that we should not be selfish.


  Everybody has a different personality; a good personality could help us a lot. If we have a good personality, it is more likely for us to have a good thinking. A bad personality will make us very worried and very emotional. In the story, the sultan has a very bad personality. When he finds that the advisors only want to let their own child become the husband for Aziza. He becomes very angry. He is so angry, and he did not think of any ways to solve this problem. Aziza is different, she has a good personality. She may also be very angry that the advisors are choosing a husband for her without thinking, but instead, she thought about a solution. I think that a good personality is very important.


  When thinking about things, people should jump their thinking outside of the box rather than limiting their thinking. When people are thinking they will normally think things based on their own knowledge without accepting other ideas, and this is not open minded. In the story, the astronomer is thinking about the sun because he studies the sun. The soldier is using the sword every day, so he is thinking about the sword. The merchant is dealing with money every day, so his answer is money. All their answers are based on their knowledge; they are not jumping out of the box and being open minded to other answers.I think that it is really important to accept other ideas. 


  In conclusion, I think that we should not be selfish. If we are selfish, others will hate us. We should worry about others before we become selfish. The advisors never think about their son really. Fit Aziza or if Aziza likes him. All they want is to be rich. They only think about themselves when good things are happening. A person’s personality could change their whole life. If a person has a good personality, he could be famous, or become an artist etc. But if a person has a bad personality, he may become a thief, or robber, or other bad guys. Personally, I will make others like us better. We should also accept others' ideas too. 


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