Author: written and illustrated by Peggy Rathmann
Basic Elements:
Characters: Officer Buckle, Gloria, students at Napville and Mrs. Toppel
Setting: Where: Napville school and police station; when: not specific
Plot: Officer Buckle knew more safety tips than anyone else, because Officer Buckle was good at finding safety tips, he noted them down and took his partner Gloria the dog to give speeches at many schools.
Genre: Fiction - a story with made-up characters and events.
The story Officer Buckle and Gloria written and illustrated by Peggy Rathmann talks about a police officer named Officer Buckle who knows a lot of safety tips, he shared his safety tips with the students at school by giving safety tips speech with his partner Gloria the dog. Nobody listened to him at the beginning, but everyone enjoyed Gloria’s acting on the stage and started paying attention. After the safety speech, there wasn’t a single accident at Napville school. Officer Buckle and Gloria’s safety tips speech became very popular. Then one day, Officer Buckle watched his speech on the news, and realised nobody was looking at him on the stage. He was upset because everyone was looking at Gloria, not him. He decided not to give any speeches anymore. After that, Napville school had its biggest accident ever. Officer Buckle was shocked about the accident, then he decided to take Gloria back to give safety tips speeches as a team and he thought of his best safety tip yet, which is “Always stick with your buddy!”
Working well together with your teammates can achieve a better result compared to working on our own. Sometimes we can not achieve the result we want when we work on our own, we need our partner or teammate’s help to achieve it. In the story, Officer Buckle and Gloria needed each other to deliver the safety tips speech, without either one of them, they could not have done it well. To achieve our goal, each team member can cooperate with each other and use each one’s advantages to make the team work better. Having a great teammate is like having a great buddy, someone you can trust and rely on, therefore great teamwork leads to great results.
To give a good speech, we need to make it interesting. An interesting speech can catch the audience’s attention, if everyone listens, we know that our speech achieved a good result because everyone enjoys and gets our message. In the story, Officer Buckle summarised all the safety tips to prepare for the speech, and Gloria made the speech interesting with her acting, it caught the children’s attention and they all remembered the safety tips. When we are preparing our speech, we can use pictures, videos or powerpoint to make a good script, then review the content and keep practicing speaking. A good speech also requires the speaker to speak confidently and correctly with the right volume, hand gesture, and eye contacts with the audience. This requires a lot of practicing. The purpose of giving a good speech is to deliver our messages to our audience, we can make it interesting so the audience can enjoy and remember our speech.
Good observation skill can help us accumulate our life experience, it helps us to prevent making the same mistakes or accidents. There are many types of observations like observing our surroundings can help us learn about how we can avoid obstacles; observing our advantages can help us to be a good and strong person, and help others when working as a team. In the story, Officer Buckle observed the safety tips and every time he thought of a new one, he noted them down. That’s why he knew more safety tips than anyone else and he could help others to prevent accidents with his safety tip speeches. This not only helps ourselves but also helps others from making unnecessary mistakes by sharing our experiences and thoughts. Therefore, observing as well as recording our life experiences is needed as we grow up.
The story of Officer Buckle and Gloria tells us about Officer Buckle and his partner Gloria the dog giving very interesting safety tips speeches to everyone to prevent accidents from happening, and everyone enjoyed it very much. From this story, I have learnt about how working well with others is essential when forming a team, which can lead to a better outcome. Also, it is important to make sure our speech is interesting in order to catch our audience’s attention, so that our audience can understand and remember us. Lastly, I learnt that observing and accumulating life experiences is essential and interesting because it not only helps me but also others to prevent accidents or mistakes from occurring.