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Story Review of Mystic Horse

The story, Mystic Horse, written by Paul Goble, talks about a poor boy and his grandmother in the Pawnee tribe. One day, the boy and his grandmother found an old, poor-looking horse in the woods and they nursed it until it finally felt well. On that day, enemies arrived in their village and the boy wanted to fight too, with his new horse. The people said disrespectful things about the boy and his horse, and the boy felt embarrassed. Suddenly, the horse spoke, and taught the boy how to fight the enemies, using a willow stick and striking four times, but no more. The boy struck four times, and thought that if he had not gotten hurt during the first four times, he would not get hurt on the fifth time. However, on the fifth try an arrow pierced the horse’s leg, and seemed dead. Even though the people crowned the boy as their leader, the boy felt really sad about his horse and again nursed it well. As the boy was crying, the horse moved his legs a little, and woke up. The boy was very happy but the horse again gave orders to the boy to leave him on a hill where people could not see him for four days, not one more or less. This time the boy listened, and the horse brought more spirited horses with him after he came back. The boy and his grandmother finally lived a good life.

Most people who get embarrassed are likely to want revenge and stop people from being mean to them. Nobody likes being teased around and being the target of mean people who bully other people a lot. So after being bullied, they most likely want to get revenge, and show to everyone that they can be strong too. In the story, the boy and his mystic horse were bullied by the people of their group, and he felt as if people were making him uncomfortable. That’s why he wanted to show to the people of the group that he can be very brave, and struck five times instead of four times as the mystic horse told him to. The people of the group were mean to the boy, and saying that an old poor horse won’t do anything. That encouraged the boy to strike more times than the mystic horse told him so, and the horse almost died forever. The target of bullies will always want to get revenge, and show them that he/she can be strong too.

We also learn to not lose hope even when the worst events happen. Lots of bad things happen in our lives, but we should not lose hope, and who knows, something good might come out of it. Maybe a young boy broke his leg, and we all feel sad for him, but maybe there is war, and he will not fight to die. The boy did not lose hope even when he did something extremely wrong, and even though he has become the leader of the group, his horse died, but he did not lose hope. His hope carried him to the end, and finally, the horse awoke from the dead. The boy hoped very hard for his horse to come back and he really liked the mystic horse, and God forgave the boy, allowing the horse to come back to life. We really learn to never lose hope, even in the worst situations that could ever happen to our lives.

If you like and care about somebody, it will always come back to ourselves when we actually need it. If we care much about a person, and nurse it when it is hurt, feeding it when it is hungry, giving money to help people in need, when we need it, they will come back and help us back. In the story, the grandmother cared for the boy, supporting him when needed and trying her best to help the boy live a normal life, and in the end, the boy helped his grandmother by giving her many horses. The boy also cared a lot about his horse, from the start he nursed it well, and cared a lot for it, so in the end, the horse gave love to the boy, taught him how to defeat the enemies, and changed his life. The horse was found, nursed, cared for by the boy, and in return, gave love, directions to drive the enemy away, and changed his life by giving him lots of spirited horses. Caring about somebody when they need it, we will always get it back when we need the love.

In conclusion, the story Mystic horse talks about a mystic horse, a boy and his grandmother. The boy was poor in the beginning, but after finding the horse and caring for it, the horse talked to the boy, telling how to defeat the enemies. The boy didn’t listen, as he was supposed to, and his horse died. But he felt so sad and hoped that God would forgive him and the horse came back from the dead. He again told the boy to leave him on a hill for four days, and after that, came back with a bunch of spirited horses. In the story we learn many themes. Firstly, people who are bullied would really want revenge. Secondly, we should not lose hope even if very bad things happen. Thirdly, if we do something nice to somebody, we can always get paid back with good things. I recommend this story, Mystic Horse as it is a truly meaningful story and we can learn many things about it.

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