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Story review of My Very Own Room

Characters-A girl and her family

Setting-at a house

Plot-A girl wants a room to herself

Genre-realistic fiction

Point of View-first person

The story My Very Own Room by Amada Irma Perez is about a girl who is sick of sleeping with her brothers so she wants her own room. The girl tries to find a space where her room could be and she decides that the storage closet could be a good fit. But when she tells her mother her idea, the girl is told that the family needs to use the closet. Still, the mom agrees to move the things outside and help the girl. After breakfast everyone starts moving the things to the back porch and all that's left is some paint which is not enough paint of one color. The family mixes the colors together and paints the girls' new room. Then the girl gets a bed from Tio Pancho, a lamp bought from blue stamps that can be used for money, and some books from a library. Finally the girl has her own room.

Privacy is important to every individual no matter the age and should be valued throughout your life. As kids start growing up, they start to become more independent and so they need to have their own space and time. When the girl was getting more mature, she felt that she was getting too old to sleep with her brothers; so she wanted her own room. After her room was finished she was very happy to have her own space. If the girl grew older and she did not have her own space, then she would not have the space to put her belongings. A space of the girl's own would also enable her to be able to rest and recharge. Time alone is a key component in growing up and having more responsibility. Even a small amount of space can give kids a chance to do whatever they want.

While privacy allows us to grow independent, Family gives you support so you're confident to achieve your goal when you face any obstacles. By understanding your needs, your family will help you prepare for growing up through care and trust. The girl couldn’t have made her room without the support and help from her family. She did not have enough strength to move all the furniture and the ability to use household objects in new ways, but her whole family combined did. Family members like your parents recognize your needs and see that they are fulfilled. When you face any obstacles your family will help get through them. Family is a place where you are loved, cared for, and respected that makes true independence possible.

If you face some obstacles that seem impossible to get across, creativity allows you to think out of the box and find a way through. When you don’t have the necessary resources to solve a problem, you should try to use the objects you have with an open mind. The girl and her family were creative when they used the storage closet as a room, mixed the colors to make magenta, and used yellow yarn to measure a bed and walls. The girl's flexible thinking allowed her to open her mind to other ideas beyond the obvious ones. With imagination, effort, and optimism you get creativity which will help you find a way to solve your problems.

The story My Very Own Room by Amanda Irez Perez illustrated by Maya Christina Gonzalez is a heartfelt story that teaches us privacy, family, and creativity which all play an important role throughout our lives. As the kids mature they have a sense of independence from family and friends. Parents understand kids' needs and grant the request in order to help them grow. In this process kids will probably face many obstacles that they need to surpass using creativity and determination. With an open and curious mind, especially the help of family you will find flexible ways to solve problems that you never thought were achievable.

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