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Story Review of My Name is Yoon

Characters: Yoon, father, teacher, ponytail girl

Setting: at home, at school

Plot: Yoon doesn’t like her name, America, and English. First day she writes cat as her name, next day she writes bird and draws a picture. Third day she writes cupcake after ponytail girl gives her some, last day she writes Yoon. She likes America a bit at last, Yoon isn’t bad after all.

Perspective: first person viewpoint

This discussable story written by Helen Recorvits talks about Yoon who moves to America from Korea. She has to write her English name. The letters are alone, and it means Shining Wisdom in Korean. She doesn’t like America, and doesn’t want to learn English. everything is different. But her father makes her to. First day her teacher teaches cat, when she gives Yoon a paper to write her name, she writes cat instead, she wants to be it. After school she tells her father, they should go back, but her father disagrees. She sees a robin and draws it, her father tells her to write bird, she think the teacher will like her. At school she writes bird, and shows teacher the picture. At home she tells her mother, her teacher likes her. Next day recces, ponytail girl gives her cupcakes, and she writes cupcake. She writes Yoon next day, her teacher is pleased.

In our life ,we may have come to a new environment, we have to face the new chanllenges there. We are immigrant. Because we can’t go back, we have to try our best to get used to live here, and don’t blame too much even you dislike the place. Yoon is a newcomer of America, she thinks it is bad, and wants to go back, but she still stays and does her best. This makes her start to like America, integrating into society. She have to combine her to the new environment, soon she is changed and get use to it. At that time, we’ll start to appreciate foods, music, words and people that come from different parts of the world.

Somethings that may seem not so good can be a good thing. Because we are not so familiar with them, so that it will create illusion or misunderstands. Yoon first doesn’t like America and her name, she thinks everything is different, and wants to go back to Korea. But at the end of the story, she knows more about America and English, she starts to like it a bit, it’s not so bad after all. We can’t judge anything or person once we see it, we must know more about it and be patient, before judging it.

Welcoming or helping newcomers is important. Environment has big impact on people, like unfamiliar writing and language, huge differences in lifestyle, will bring physical and psychological discomfort. Yoon doesn’t like her English name because the writing. She thinks it just has lines and circles and looks lonely. If someone talk to her about English words, school life, she’ll know more about English, makes friends, and feels better. Only we help immigrant to seek the balance and make them feeling cordial, they have courage to struggle against difficult adjustment to their new life, find their place in new places.

In conclusion, we learn three things from this moving story. When we get into a new environment that we don’t like, we have to try combine to it instead of blaming how bad it is, soon we’ll get use to it. There are things or people that give us bad impression when we first see it, but we have to judge it after we understand it more, not before. We often feel anxious and empty, because we can’t find the balance between differences. Don’t bury our heads in the sand like ostriches, escaping from reality, we have to face the challenges bravely. There is great uncertainty in human life, we can be in different environments anytime. Face the challenges bravely, ask others to help, can help us get through difficulty.

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