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Story Review of My name is Yoon

This story of “My name is Yoon” written by Helen Recorvits talks about a girl named Yoon who came from Korea to America. She didn’t like America because everything looked different and she felt alone. On her first day of school, Yoon wrote CAT instead of her name. She wanted to be a cat because she wanted to hide. After school, she drew a picture of a bird for the teacher, so the teacher would like her! The next day at school she wrote BIRD instead of her name. She wanted to be a bird because she could fly back to Korea. When it was recess one of her classmates gave her a cupcake. She wanted to be a cupcake because she would make many friends. The next day at school her teacher gave Yoon a piece of paper again this time she wrote her name!

Firstly I learned that when you get to a new place you have to be patient because it will give you a better chance of getting new friends. When you are patient, you will get used to the new place eventually. In the story, Yoon’s mom told her to be patient. Yoon listened and eventually made new friends and got used to the new society. She started to like America. So, we should always be patient with new things because then we will eventually get new experiences and learn new things.

Secondly I learned when there are new friends coming to my school, I should be nice and show that they are welcome. If you are nice, the new kids may become your friends. The new kids will get used to the school because of you. In the story, a girl gave Yoon a cupcake during recess, that made Yoon very happy and welcome. Yong started to like the new School. So we should always be nice to the new kids and help them as much as we can. They will get used to the new place faster.

Last but not least I learned that when you get to a new place being different is ok because your classmates will want to know more about you. If you are different your classmates will be curious about you and will want to be your friend. In the story Yoon was from Korea. She was different from everyone in her classroom. But she just needs to try that she is also a nice person and be the best of herself. In fact everyone is different. We just need to be the best of ourselves.

The story teaches us the perspectives of new people. For example, if you have a new classmate, what he or she thinks. We should understand that they may be different or having a hard time. We should be nice and show our friendship to them so they can feel welcome. If we go to a new and different place, we should try to be our best selves and be patient with the other kids. We should try to get used to new places and new things.

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