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Story Review of “My Name is Yoon”

Characters: Yoon, Yoon’s family

Setting: Yoon’s home and school in America

Plot: Yoon doesn’t like her name in English and she doesn’t like America

Perspective: 1st person viewpoint

Genre: Realistic fiction

The story “My Name is Yoon” talks about a Korean girl named Yoon, she moves Korea to America. She doesn’t like her English name and she also doesn’t like America because America has lots of differences with Korea. She feels lonely as she has no friends here. She uses other words on her printing sheet instead of Yoon. For example, first she wants to be a cat because she is shy and wants to hide in a corner without being seen. Next, she imagines her to be a bird since she misses Korea and eagers to go back home. Then she feels like to be a cupcake in that case, her classmates will like her. She also draws a picture of a robin hopping in the yard to her teacher and sings a English song to her mother.

There is always difference in our daily life. Difference can be good or bad in a variety of ways. When someone is getting to a new environment, they will first feel uncomfortable and frustrated because they don’t know anybody in the new community. On the other hand, if you have a new world in front of you, you will feel full of excitement when you are full of curiosity and confidence. In the story, Yoon is a new student in her school, unlike other people, she doesn’t like English and America. But she starts to get involved into the new community by drawing pictures and replacing her name with other things. Yoon tries to make herself feel better when she faces these differences between America and Korea. Difference will give you challenges, but also benefits.

Getting into a new environment is not that hard as you think. A new environment includes a new home, a new place, a new grade etc. First, you need to be calm and patient with everybody so they will like you. Next, try to notice the differences between the two places you can learn more; try to talk to someone will make you feel better. Furthermore, try to make friends when you and them get familiar with each other. In the story, Yoon makes friends with a pony tail girl and can sing a English song. Yoon is a patient girl, she is already used to the new environment. It is essential that being included as a part of the unfamiliar community around you, everyone will experience this situation.

We should help newcomers other than ignore or keep away from them. Newcomers don’t know lots about the unfamiliar place around them, we should be active to tell them important things and guide them to places they don’t know. We should also make friends with them when we have the same hobbies. In the story, Yoon’s father helps Yoon feel better when she has problem with writing her name. Yoon owns a cozy family that always understands her. Supporting newcomers might be a excellent way to make friends.

In conclusion, this story is about a lonely girl when facing difference who firstly doesn’t feel well but finally tries to adapt to the new life. From this story, I learned three main themes. Firstly, difference exists everywhere and anytime, you need to prepare to change with the new environment. Secondly, getting into a new world is not that difficult when you are calm and patient to everyone. Lastly, helping a newcomer show your kindness, generous and inclusive heart.

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