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Story Review of My Diary from Here to There

The story, My Diary from Here to There, was written by Amada Irma Perez. The story talks about a girl Amada recording her memories, thoughts and feelings in her diary regarding moving from Mexico to the United States. One night Amada overheard conversations from her parents that the whole family must leave their little house in Juarez, Mexico, to Los Angeles, the United States, for better work opportunities. When Amada learns this news, she is very scared if she will no longer see her best friend, Michi, anymore and worried if she cannot speak English well. While they are crossing the border, Amada is amazed that there is not much difference between Mexico and the United States. Later, Amada is sad and nervous because his dad has to leave them and work in California in order to secure green cards for them while they have to stay with relatives in a border town. At the end, Amada is very happy because dad gets a job and he helps the whole family legally stay in the United States so the whole family can be together again.

Making a living is challenging, especially in a new environment, but people should stay hopeful and optimistic during hardships. Many immigrants traveled to the United States, a land of opportunity, to find a better condition for them to live in. Amada’s dad lost his job so Amada’s family moved to the United States for better work opportunities. Amada’s dad got a plantation job in Delano, near Los Angeles. Amada's dad works hard, even though his salary was underpaid. He didn’t complain because he only wanted to apply for the green cards to let his family legally stay and start a new life in the United States. In tough situations, people need to have a hopeful and optimistic attitude to look at the bright side of things. Hope serves as a motivation for achieving goals and pursuing dreams. If people have a negative attitude and always complain, they will end up losing everything. Even though moving into a new environment is somehow difficult, people need to be hardworking and maintain a positive attitude.

People’s emotions will constantly change from receiving the news at the beginning to finally accepting the facts. The change in people’s emotions is based on what happens in the events. Amada is worried and scared when she learns they are moving to the United States. Amada is surprised when passing the borders because both sides of borders look the same. Amada is sad when her father goes to work in Los Angeles because she misses her dad. Amada is happy when Amada’s dad sends the green cards because now they could legally live in the US. Amada is content when writing a letter to Michi. At the end, Amada realizes home is where her family is and her friend will be in her heart and memories. When people move to a new place, at the beginning they will feel scared and worried while being a little excited. After being in the new place for a while, people will begin to recognize the differences between their previous comfortable zone and the new place and they will be amazed to know that there isn’t much difference. Gradually, people will begin to accept the differences, adjust themselves, and then feel comfortable, peaceful, and content. Uncertainty about the future is the main reason why people’s emotions change. Once people feel secured, there will be no or little change in people’s emotions.

Immigrants from far away come to America to pursue their American Dream. The American Dream is the hope that anyone, regardless of where they come from or what social status they are in, can have fortune, freedom and safety. Amada’s father comes to the United States because he loses his job in Mexico. To him, the United States is a land of opportunity. He wants better working conditions to start a new life in the United States. Moving to the United States with a job and a salary is better than staying in Mexico with no pay. Many people come to America because it is a land of opportunity. People come to America to escape famines, pandemics, and other disasters. They also come here to have better work opportunities. Some governments restrict their citizens, so they move away to have freedom. Many people come to America because there are wars in their countries and they need a safe place to live. No matter what the reasons are, they all come to America to pursue their American Dream. To accomplish American Dreams, immigrants have to work hard, take some risks, and even sometimes sacrifice something, rather than by chance or luck.

Immigrants coming from far away want to pursue their American Dream, and they work very hard. At the beginning of moving, people’s emotions are like the ocean waves up and down because of the uncertainty in the future, but they should stay hopeful and optimistic even in the darkest times. When people move into another environment, there might be many differences in language, culture, lifestyle, beliefs and values. To better fit into the new environment, people need to recognize the differences, learn to accept them, and adjust themselves to those differences. At the same time, people should not forget where they are originally from. Try to keep the language and culture alive in their heart and continue those from generation to generation.

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