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Story Review of Mr. Putter and Tabby See the Stars

Characters: Mr. Putter and Tabby, Mrs. Teaberry, Zeke the dog

Setting: In Mr. Putter’s house and neighborhood

Polt: Mr. Putter can’t sleep because he ate too many jelly-rolls. 

Genre: Fiction

The story “Mr. Putter and Tabby see the stars'' written  by Cynthia Rylant talks about Mr. Putter and tabby and because Mr. Putter ate too many jelly rolls at Mrs. Teaberry's house he got an upset stomach so he and Tabby took a walk. They walked past houses with cats inside of them and Mr. Putter told Tabby about the constellations and the big dipper which was full of milk from the milky way. Mr. Putter also told Tabby that when he was young he had always dreamed of going to space in a rocketship. When they had walked a big circle thy met Mrs. Teaberry and Zeke out side and Zeke had the same problem as Mr. Putter, an upset stomach. They chatted and waited outside. After their stomachs settled they all went back  to their homes and slept like logs. 

Pets, no matter what kind of animal, are all ideal company. No matter what, any pet is great because all pets can comfort you, no matter if it is cats or dogs or any animal they all give company. In the story Mr. Putter gets a cat and Tabby was great company and later Mrs. Teaberry has a dog and she was not lonely with the dog. All the pets are good but all of them have different things about themselves like that cats are more of a solitary animal that doesn't need lots of attention like dogs. Dogs are a more social type of animal and it needs the owner’s attention. But still the pets need the owner and the owner knows it and it gives the owner a good feeling of being needed. Pets, no matter which kind the owner chooses, can give you the ideal company and they are all unique. There is one thing in common that pets give you and that is the feeling of being needed by someone.

 A distant relative is not as good as a near neighbor. This is because a distant cousin you rarely meet but a near neighbor you can meet everyday. Following this  there should be another phrase that means that an even nearer neighbor is better than a one that is a bit further away. In the story Mr. Putter and Mrs. Teaberry were great friends and they are definitely better with each other than a distant cousin. Near neighbors are good because they are nice and in the book Mrs. Teaberry was kind and she kept her distance to not disturbMr. Putter and Tabby. Mr. Putter was a kind neighbor too he did not complain or think that Mrs. Teaberry’s food was bad; he just accepted it as his own fault for eating too many jelly rolls. Near neighbors are better than distant cousins. Neighbors are crucial because all humans are social animals and we need neighbors to improve our social life. 

Even though pets are the ideal company, human communication is even better. Pets are great and they cheer you up and make you feel less lonely. Human communication is better because humans can respond and they can understand you and your feelings. When Mr. Putter meet Mrs. Teaberry on the lawn they sat together on the lawn and chated. They told stories, secrets and they laughed together. From this we can see that if they did not see each other they will have to talk to their pets but as I mentioned humans understand each other and it will be a real conversation because they can answer and respond properly to questions. Humans are also more easily understood and all of us are social animals so communication is crucial for us. Pets are still great company and they are the ideal company but human communication is even better because both sides understand so it will be a real conversation. 

To sum up the book about Mr. Putter and Tabby going outside to see the stars talks about three topics. Pets are all ideal company, near neighbors are better than distant cousins and lastly pets are the ideal company but human communication is better. Pets are the ideal company because some people live all alone and pets can save them from loneliness and the care and the home and the love that you give to the pet is the greatest thing and pets give you the sense of being needed. Neighbors are important because we are all social humans and neighbors can improve our social life. Lastly Pets are the ideal company but human communication is even better. This is because pets can not exactly understand you and you can’t understand them. Humans are our kind so we understand each other. This is a short but amazing book perfect for young readers. I want to share this book with all of you like I am right now.

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