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Story Review of Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea

Characters: Mr. Putter and Tabby

Setting: In Mr. Putter’s house

Polt: He wants a cat. 

Genre: Fiction

The story “Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea” written  by Cynthia Rylant talks about an old man called Mr. Putter. He lived all alone. He had English muffins but no one to share with, he had tea but no one to share with neither and he had the most wonderful stories to tell but he still has no one to share with. He doesn't have company but he wants some, he wants a cat. He wants a cat so he went to a pet shop. The shop owner said that she has forteen and Mr. Putter was exhilarated. But his feelings dropped like a stone because the animals inside were kittens not cats. Mr. Putter asked why there weren't any cats and the owner said the cats were not cute and peppy. So because there weren’t any cats in the pet shop Mr. Putter needed to go to the shelter to get a cat. So he left and there were three cats, one fat, one thin and one old at the shelter and of course he got the old one. Mr. Putter named the cat Tabby and they lived together and they shared their tea, muffins and stories in the mornings, afternoons and evenings. Like that they lived happily ever after.

If you are to question me what the relationship between humans and animals is? I will give you an answer: Animals are our good companions. But how are we supposed to live in harmony with animals?  Well, first we should not harm animals anywhere anyhow. Second, we could adopt animals that are small and hopeless. And lastly, we can take care of any animal and help them. Like Mr. Putter he adopted a cat from the shelter and did not buy a kitten. They have a deep relationship. Mr. Putter gives Tabby the cat a home, love and empathy and in return Tabby brought him joy and someone to share lovely moments of life with. Lastly they became a family and they loved each other forever. Animals are our friends, they are like neighbours, relatives and we should respect and love them. Our planet is not only inhabited by humans but animals too. We should treat them well and protect their environment from being destroyed. 

Not only kittens but cats are also good pets. That is true because cats can have good qualities, not just kittens. Lots of cats are in shelters and those cats don’t have a home or love. But if people that are good hearted and kind will adopt a cat so it has a home it has a owner and most importantly it has love.In the story, Mr. Putter wants a cat and he went to the pet store but there were no cats. And he has to go to the shelter to get a cat. This is unfair for cats because cats are perfectly fine and they are more mature than kittens and they know what involves violence and just steps away from it. And they can be more gentle with little children they're playing with. Cats are more calm and quiet and that can help old people. Cats are also solitary animals so the owner doesn't have to worry that much about cats. Cats should not be left out and replaced by kittens instead they should be equal and it is true that no one likes cats but if you just adopt one you can give it love and a home. That is why cats are also a good pet as to kittens.

All of us should have interests and hobbies, which will avoid loneliness and emotional emptiness. You might think how having interests and hobbies can help avoid loneliness and emotional emptiness? Well, having interests and hobbies can help find people who have the same hobbies and they can generate more topics and they can also generate links. In the story Mr. Putter was alone and he had nothing to do but when he had a cat he got things to do and he was not lonely any more. Mr. Puter now has a cat and because of this he is no longer lonely or feeling emotional emptiness. That is because he feels needed by Tabby the cat and he has someone to be with. For example a person who loves chess can play with another person who loves chess and they can talk together and discuss together and it is having someone to be with. Another example is that people who love books can make a book club and they can discuss and share books they have been reading. Hobbies and interests can help break loose from the grasp of loneliness and emotional emptiness. Everyone should have their own unique hobby that can bond with others to have friends that can help escape the grasp of loneliness and emptiness.        

To wrap this all up, the story “Mr. Putter and Tabby” taught us three important things. First, the relationship and the balance between animals need to be equal. To make that happen we need to stop harming the environment and protect our forests. Even better, we can adopt animals and potentially release our pets like fish or birds but it needs to be in the right place to not have an invasive species. Second, not only kittens but cats are also good pets. Cats are more mature and they are more sensible and they know what is right and wrong and if it is wrong it will simply walk away. Cats also know their surroundings much more. Cats are more calm then kittens and that can help old people. And lastly, people should have their own hobbies and with hobbies we can make bonds and escape the grasp of loneliness. Like that, we end and I will be delighted to share this book about humans and animals with every one of you.

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