Basic Elements
Character: Jackie Mitchell
Setting: baseball cort
Plot: Jackie is a girl, and everyone knows that girls don’t play major league baseball.
Genre: Historical Fiction
The story MIGHTY JACKIE written by Marrisa Moss, it talks about a girl named Jackie. She really likes baseball, one day their team was gonna play with the New York Yankees. Everyone was very nervous about it, and Jackie was gonna be the pitcher, everyone knows that there is no girl playing major league baseball. Jackie didn’t care about what others were saying, she thought about what her father said to her - you can play good at whatever you want. Everyone was contemptuous about Jackie, she closed her eyes and relaxed, she played well, they won the baseball game.
First, the story tells us that working hard can make you good at it. In the story, Jackie’s father told her she could be good at whatever things as long as she worked hard. This tells us that as long as you work hard, you can know everything about the thing you are interested in.In our true life, there are a lot of people who work hard, although they don't always succeed, but if they try hard, they must get something. Sometimes we don’t know the limit of our potential, but we can only push ourselves hard and eventually we will succeed.
Then, in the time when men think women are not as strong as they are, that's sexism. Although it was already at the time of the 1930s, at sport, the women still haven't really been accepted by the mens. Some mens thinking didn’t change, they think that women need to be at home and do housework, waiting for their husbands to come back from work. But the women have the same rights as men, they can play sports the same as the mens, but the accumulation of years the mens already have the thought that women can’t play sports. This is very mean and this is sexism, people shouldn't feel they should do certain things because of their gender.
Last but not the least, women have their rights, or everyone has their human rights. In the text, when everyone saw Jackie is playing, they felt stangness, even the reporter questioning whether a person should be allowed to stand on the court. They forget some things, although Jackie is a woman, but there is no rule that says that women can’t play the game, everyone can choose what they wanna do and don’t want to do. Gender equality is something we should not forget. It is wrong to exclude others. This is just like racial discrimination. This is very bad behavior.
In conclusion, the story mostly talks about a girl that plays very hard at baseball. She lives in the beginning times of the 20th century, and this makes everyone don’t think that she can be a good baseball player. When someone didn’t catch her ball, they questioned how they didn’t catch a ball from a girl. When they think about that, they have already put the girl as a weak person in their mind. At now, there is a lot of women play sport, there is no one think that was a unreasonable things.