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Story Review of How Beetle Got her Colors

Characters: Beetle, Arrow Frog, Agouti, Jaguar, Parrot, Anaconda

Setting: Rain forests of Brazil

Plot: Agouti mocks Beetle is gray. Then parrot proposes a race between them, Beetle flies fast and win, and gets green and gold colors today.

Genre: Folktale

This lovely book written by Joseph Bruchac talks about when Beetle is gray, Agouti teases her with other animals. Beetle doesn’t like it, so Parrot proposes a race between them. Agouti runs fast but is a bit distracted, Beetle flies fast and wins the race, she gets green and gold colors until today.

Don’t judge a book by its cover. Things may seem dirty or torn, but it’s still clean inside. Like Parrot says: "You shouldn’t judge anyone by their looks." A ugly person or animal may have hidden powers. Our ability is more important than our looks.

Don’t make fun of others. If you do, they will be sad and angry. Agouti and other animals tease Beetle is gray, it makes her sad. Parrot knows that’s bad, so he stops them. Mocking others brakes friendship and trust, it isn’t good.

Persistence is a virtue that is worthy of learning. Many things teach us that we need to insist on many things. Beetle keeps flying, because of his insist, he achieves victory, has a chance to be beautiful. Insisting is uneasy, but it gives an amazing result.

A folktale teaches lessons and shares wisdom, this book is no exception. We need to judge anything on their inside and ability. Mocking and teasing others is always bad quality. Persistence is a virtue and hard thing to do, but it’s good and gives good result. Folktales like this is always a good story to read.

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