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Story Review of Home

The story Home is a novel written by Hena Khan that talks about a simple Pakistani-American family, with rich diversity and culture inside it. The protagonist Aleena and her family adopted an orphan called Hakeem. At first, Hakeem turned out just fine, but as time passed, his inner truth revealed more that he can be extremely toxic and annoying. Finally, when Aleena’s birthday concluded and everyone was singing the happy birthday song, Aleena thought that she could forgive Hakeem. He just needs a little time to learn after all. The main themes of Home are that forgiving a person is important, not judging people by their first impression, and the true meaning of home.

Forgiveness is a skill, for growth and mental well being. It's an act that frees us from the weight of resentment, anger and holding onto grudges. When we forgive others we give ourselves the chance to heal and move forward letting go of emotions that could otherwise consume us. Forgiveness doesn't mean condoning or forgetting the wrongs committed; it means choosing to release the pain and find peace. By releasing our grudges we loosen the grip of anger. Open ourselves up to serenity and personal development. Moreover it is crucial to practice forgiveness in order to nurture and sustain relationships. Disagreements and misunderstandings are inevitable, in any relationship. Holding onto grievances and nurturing resentment can undermine trust and initiate a negative cycle. By making the choice to forgive we open the door to reconciliation and the growth of trust. It enables us to forge bonds and cultivate compassion, empathy and comprehension in our interactions with others. Additionally, the act of forgiveness holds potential for development and introspection. In the story Home, at first Hakeem is very annoying and Aleena kind of hates him. But after her birthday party, he forgave him, because she thinks that he could change himself to be better, and more polite.

Living in a world where everything is instantaneous and things happen impulsively, how can one not see the necessity of not judging people just on first impressions? Quick judgment, forming opinion, decision upon anyone with limited information or brief encounter. This method fails to look at people and human life complexity. By refraining from judgment calls, we are able to wholly know others and forge meaningful bonds. First impressions can be deceiving. You’ve got nothing but time. Things like anxiety, anxiety of others, and the way we might interpret culture can dictate how one first appears. On top of that, everyone’s different, we all come from different stories and backgrounds. We judge people too quickly for who they seem and what they wear without allowing them time to express their views and how they have matured. It is crucial you go into situations with an open mind that is ready to listen to the stories of others. In doing so, we make a space which fosters empathy, understanding and connection. Moreover, it’s also important to acknowledge the fact that we ourselves sometimes fall prey to false first impressions. In the story Home, Aleena thought that Hakeem was very obedient, but then after a few days, Hakeem turned out to be extremely annoying, and messy.

Physical buildings are far from what defines a home. Feeling a sense of belonging, feeling comfortable and forming an emotional bond with others. Home is the place that makes us feel like family, safe, secure and just as we are. It’s a sanctuary where you can just be you. Our homes are special because they’re the places where we make cherished memories, laugh together, cry together, and form strong relationships with those we love. A home can be anywhere you hang your hat, but its essence lies in something more ephemeral than four walls and a roof over head — something you cannot touch or see; but something that lives within you. Home is where the warmth of family comes together for celebrations, where you smell your mom’s cooking, and hear laughter resounding in the halls. It’s where we can find comfort in escaping the chaos of the larger universe around us, what we call ‘home.’ It’s the space where we’re safe enough to be vulnerable because we’re encircled by people who care about us.

When everything ended with Aleena’s birthday with even everyone humming the Happy Birthday song, Aleena decided to give some grace to Hakeem too. When we choose forgiveness, we unlock the possibility for reconciliation and rebuilding trust. In a tale like Home, where initially at least, all we see of Hakeem is him being annoying and Aleena sort of despising him. Forgiving isn’t about justifying or erasing evil, it’s about setting yourself free so you can heal. It’s something that sets us free from holding on to bitterness, rage, resentment. Aleena, the main character, and her family took in an orphaned boy named Hakeem. Also it’s necessary that we accept, at times in our own selves we too get deceived by initial judgments.

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