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Story Review of Help!

Basic elements:

Characters: Mouse, Hedgehog

Setting: In the forest

Plot: Mouse is hiding from Snake

Genre: Fantasy

One day, Hedgehog found Mouse hiding in the leaves. Hedgehog then asked Mouse why he was hiding, Mouse said he was hiding from Snake, because Fox told Skunk that Snakes are dangerous to mice, and then, Skunk told Mouse that snakes are dangerous to mice. Hedgehog doesn’t believe it, so they go to talk to Snake. When they walked, Mouse looked everywhere except his feet, and he fell down. Hedgehog asks squirrel, and rabbit to help, but he fails. Then, Snake comes, and rescues Mouse.

Friendship is really important, because when you have a friend, you will be less lonely, and they could help you out if you're in trouble, or if you're hurt. When you have a friend, they would never hurt you, and they would help you know matter what. In the story, even though Mouse was scared of Snake, Snake still rescued him. I think that true friends always help each other no matter what, and they will. If there were more friends in the world, the world would be more safe, and more fun, and less lonely.

When someone helps us we should always thank them back, because when they help you, they put effort in it, and so, you should thank them back so that it will be equal. When people help no matter on what, we should always thank them back to show appreciation, or else, they won’t help you anymore. In the story, when Snake helped Mouse get out of the hole, Mouse thanked Snake back by giving him some flowers. I think that is right because Mouse showed appreciation by giving Snake some flowers. When someone helps us, and we thank them back, they will help us more, and we might become friends.

Gossip is really bad because it breaks people’s friendships, and it makes people believe in stuff that is bad, and not true about others. Gossip is also bad because sometimes, when people hear gossip about somebody, they could be scared, and frightened, of that person, and so that could break their friendship. In the story, the Fox told a gossip about Snake to Skunk, and Skunk told the gossip to Mouse, and Mouse got scared of his own friend Snake. I think that it is wrong to tell gossips because, it just broke the friendship between Mouse, and Snake. That is why gossips are bad.

The story talks about a mouse who heard a gossip about his friend the snake, but the hedgehog doesn’t believe it, and so they go to talk to snake, but then, mouse falls into a hole, and so the hedgehog ask for help but, he fails, when Snake comes, he rescues mouse, and mouse thanks him back. I think this is a good story because it teaches us three important lessons: friendship, appreciation, and that gossip is bad.

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