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Story review of Head, Body, Legs

Basic Elements:

Characters: Head, Arms, Body, Legs

Setting: On the ground

Plot: Head, Arms, Body, Legs all have advantages and disadvantages, so they combine together to do certain things.

Perspective: 3rd person viewpoint

Genre: Folk Tale

The story “Head, Body, Legs” retold by Won-Ldy Paye & Marget H. Lippert talks about Head, Body, Arms and Legs all have advantages and disadvantages. They cannot complete a goal by oneself, so they combine together to make a human to achieve their wishes.

There is no perfect person in the world. Everyone has their own personality, so they only can work successfully in the field they are familiar with. At the same time, everyone has disadvantages, even the president in your country can sometimes make mistakes. In the story, Head can see but he can’t pick things. Arms can pick things but he can’t see. Body can swim but he can’t see. Legs can reach high but he can’t see too. The body parts all have shortcomings and merits, so we need be inclusive because no one can do everything perfectly. Everyone has advantages and disadvantages. Don’t feel sad when you have disadvantages and don’t feel proud when you have advantages. You should work together effectively. 

If everyone has advantages and disadvantages, why do we not work together? Someone’s advantage might be the other’s disadvantage, so we can cooperate in teamwork. The team will have people with different abilities to accomplish a complicated task. In the story, Head invites each of the body parts to combine with him so that everyone can fulfill their goals. Since they combine together, they can swim, see and pick things to eat. They aren’t selfish to do its own jobs, instead they decided to work together because they can do more things and feel proud. It is important that you know cooperation is stronger than individuality. It will let complicated jobs be easier to finish.

 Knowing how to invite a person to join you is vital for completing an important job. Invitation skills include: Firstly, telling the advantages of both sides. Secondly, mentioning your advantages first because people will know you are good at something. Thirdly, showing the consequences or benefits of working together. In the story, Head always tells his advantages to the other body parts. He asks them to join him so they can combine to become a human and do several jobs. Head uses all of the invitation skills that we mentioned above so they have a good result. Using invitation skills can let others know you are useful and you will be welcomed.

In conclusion, this story talks about four body parts cannot achieve their wish at first. But in the end, they combine together to become a human to do several jobs. From the story, I learned three main themes. Firstly, nobody is perfect, everyone will make mistakes, don’t feel frustrated when you have disadvantages. Secondly, cooperation is stronger than individuality, if you have shortcomings, you can attend a team to work with others. Lastly, it is essential you grasp some invitation skills to make you show your talents and tell others the benefits if they work with you.

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