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Story Review of Head, Body and Legs

Characters: Head, two Arms

Setting: Long ago, on the ground.

Polt: Head normally eats grass but one day he wants to eat cherries, so he rolled and tried to knock some cherries off. 

Genre: Folk Tale

The story “Head, Body and Legs” retold by Won-Ldy Paye & Margaret H. Lippert talks about a lone Head wandering around and can only eat grass and mushrooms. One day the head bumps into a cherry tree full of sweet cherries. He rolled onto a hill and he rolled full speed into the tree and something shouted from the tree. It was Arms and Head invited him to join him because he can see and arms can reach the cherries. They were having a nap and suddenly a heavy thing bounced on them. Head was almost squashed to death but thankfully arms pushed it off it was Body and Head invited him and they swam across the river and they tried to reach the mangos. They couldn't reach and they teamed up with legs and they rearranged themselves to be a human body and that was by trial and error but they finally got to eat a mango.

Nobody in the world is perfect, everyone has his own advantages and disadvantages. Do not be too proud of your advantages and do not be too depressed by your disadvantages. Everyone is different. All of us have different advantages and disadvantages. In the story the Head can see but it can’t reach and Arms and Body and Legs can’t see but they can reach, swim, and walk. Together with Head’s eyes all the body parts they worked together to pick a mango and they did it at the end. Nobody is perfect. All of our paths of learning will gradually grow better at certain things that we learn. But lots of people are afraid of their disadvantages and are afraid to go forward. We should calm down and use our advantages more and try to notice our disadvantages. We should respect everyone’s advantages and disadvantages. We should make best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages as much as possible. Everyone is different and we should respect that.

The purpose of teamwork is to achieve the goal of win-win. That means teamwork can make people in a team all achieve something not just one person achieving something but the whole group. In the story Head comes along and he found Arms who joined him and they picked some cherries. And when they were napping a Body almost squished them and he joined the group and they swam across the river and they found Legs and they rearranged themselves to pick a mango. Humans need collaboration. Since humans all live in society, collaborating together will be an immense help and also people will get a win-win. Teamwork will need everyone to know their advantages and disadvantages so that everyone can do their part well and they can succeed and that is called win-win. So teamwork is a very impressive thing and it can result in a win-win but probably the best thing about teamwork is that everyone can see their advantages and disadvantages so everyone can play a good role in teamwork.

The main purpose of invitation skill is to invite others to help us or to collaborate with or both. While inviting someone one must have some invitation skill to invite someone. Head found Arms and he invited him by saying that he can see and Arms can reach so they came together. With Body and legs he said that he can see and Body can swim and Legs can add to the height of the body. Head uses a unique way of persuading Arms Body and Legs to join him. So he always tells the advantages of both sides. He says that he can see and the other body part can reach, swim, and add to the height and he always says his advantages first. Most importantly he always shows the consequences of working together like when Arms joined him the result is that they get to eat cherries and when Body joins the benefits is that they can swim across the river and Legs can add height to reach the mangos and they get to eat the mangos at last. Invitation skills are important when you need help with anything and inviting people can help collaborate.

To wrap this all up first we talked about how no one is perfect and everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages and we should work together to help each other out. Everyone should also respect one another's advantages and disadvantages. Second, we talked about how teamwork can make us win-win and both sides win. Or in other words, everyone achieves something and not just one person gets everything and other people get nothing. But to get win-win people need to know their advantages and disadvantages. Last but not least, invitation skills can help us in life to invite someone to help and to discuss with or do anything. There are lots of ways to send invitations like Emails, letters and so on. Invitations are also a part of team work. You need to invite people to get into a team. I want to share this extraordinary book with everyone like I am right now.

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