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Story Review of Grace for President

Basic Elements: Characters: Grace Campbell, Mrs. Barrington, Thomas CobbSetting: In September at Woodrow Wilson Elementary schoolPlot: There is no girl persistent before, so Grace wants to be one of them.Genre: Realistic fiction

<Grace for president> is a story written by Kelly Dipaucchio. It talks about a girl named Grace who found out that there’s no girl president before so she wanted to be the first  girl president. The next day, the teacher made an activity to choose the president, and let people vote themselves. Grace had a competitor named Thomas Cobb, who was very good at Science, Math, English, and Sports. Grace was afraid that she might not win, they made posters with slogans, promises, buttons. Grace made many speeches to the others, but Thomas did his own things. Finally, Grace won because the others liked her, but Thomas didn’t do anything to encourage the others to vote for him.

Many people want to be a president, but not every person can be one, following the steps will help us. These are steps to become a president. In the story, Grace and Thomas are trying to be president at school. They used the steps of how to be a president, and Grace won at the end. First we need to make sure the candidates are here. Also, there will be some rules to follow. You have to be a citizen from that country first. Second, make sure which side you are on, the republic or democracy. We have to prepare some posters, slogans, some buttons and speeches for people that are voting, make some promises that you will make a good president, and help citizens to be better. Lastly, on Election Day , if we have 270 votes, we will win to become the next president.

Not only boys can run for a president, but also girls can do it too if they can. Boys can do many things so do girls, girls and boys have their own opinions. They don’t have to follow the others, they can still do many amazing things. In the story Grace wanted to be the president even though no girl president had ever had success before, Grace won the election at school, but Thomas didn’t. Girls can do many things, some jobs are amazingly hard for a girl, but some girls still can do it perfectly. Girls can be firefighters, they can also be police. People need to be brave to do these jobs. Also, in an election, they can have their own opinion to vote for a boy, they don’t need to be like the other girls who vote for girls, girls can do many things boys can do!

Running for president is not an easy thing, but these tips might help us to win. First, find a helper to help us and can make speeches for the citizens to try to get the swing states to like us better. Make a good slogan so others can remember us well. We need to make promises that the citizens like and want most, and we  also need to have some strategies to win. In the story, Grace did lots of things, but Thomas didn’t do anything to encourage people to vote for him, so Grace won because a boy named Sam changed his mind and voted for Grace. When we do things, we need to have an idea to do it, like having an idea to tell people that we will make a good president and convince them to vote for us. The key point is that we need to get the swing states instead of the states that we are sure will vote for us. We need to have an idea and a thought before we act.

This is an educational story that tells us a lot of information. First, not only boys can be a president, but girls can run for a president. Secondly, we know how the president election runs and understand that not everyone can be a president. If you follow the steps, you might win the others to become a president whatever at school or in real life. There are lots of things you can do in a president election. You can consider to vote which of the presidents we like if you are one of the citizens. If we are the one of the candidates, we can try to  get the swing states to vote for us. This is an educational story for learners who want to be a president.

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