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Story Review of Goose’s Story

Character: Henry, I and geese

Setting: spring a pond

Plot: goose are coming

Perspective: 1st

Genre: Realistic Fiction

The story of << Goose’s story>> written by Cari Best, talks about a geese with one leg who is not accepted by other geese. But she conquered her weakness by practicing harder than anybody else. Finally the goose accepted her and she has a normal life like other geese.

We all live with our weakness. How we live with our weakness is a lesson for us, we can ignore them or conquer them. For example, the one foot geese is hobbling on her stumpy leg like the girl’s grandma with her cane. Even though she only has one leg, she still practices how to walk. Because she wants to be accepted by other geese, she wants to survive. We all have weaknesses, but how we trade weaknesses will become big differences. We should try our the best to conquer our weaknesses turn it to our characters.

The lonely goose decides her destiny. Destiny is in our hands, nobody can judge us.

For instance, one leg geese try to swim across the deserted pond from slow, fast and faster. With one leg, she pushes very hard, but she never gives up. She practices harder than others. Because only she can decide what kind of life she deserves. God helps those who help himself.

I learned lots of writing skills from this story. First, the author uses a detailed description of geese’s actions such as land, sun, nibble etc. Before I read this story, I didn't know sun can also be a verb. Second, the author does not tell us the time directly: the smell of onion grass and warm sun turns the skating rink back into a pond. The author wants to let readers find out by themself, and long sentence, detailed descriptions are always better.

I really like this story, because we all have weaknesses like that one foot geese. This story inspired me. I do not have very good memories like my sister. Like the geese, I try hard to conquer my weakness by repeating other people’s orders again, and writing important details on the paper. We all have our destiny in our hands. I will highly recommend this book for my friends who are normal little boy like me.

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