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Story Review of Goose’s Story

Character: one foot goose, other geese, a girl

Setting: outside of the girl’s home

Plot: one-foot goose learn to survive with her weakness

Genre: fiction

The Goose story is written by Cari Best. It talks about a girl who finds a goose who cannot swim or fly, because it only has one feet. The girl feels sad at beginning. She wants to help the goose. But her mum tells her that the goose has to learn to live with her own weakness. Gradually, the girl sees the goose learns how to walk and swim well with only one foot. The girl feels so proud of the goose with one foot. The most gratefully thing is that the goose learn how to fly and she flies to south with other goose when winter comes. Finally, the goose come back with a family. This is a very touching story. I like it a lot. It talks about love, caring about others, and never give up even when you have some weakness. The story teaches us three important themes and the author writes in a very skillful way.

To survive in a nature need to work hard. As for animals, it is not easy to survive in the curial natural, especially for a weak animal like one-foot goose. But the goose work hard with one foot. She doesn’t think she is weak because of her one foot. Rather, she never gives up. She practices swim and fly as many as possible. Therefore for humans, we need to work hard, too. We shouldn’t give up in any condition easily. Then we can survive in the society.

If you want to win respect, you have to work hard to show you are strong, smart or diligent. When you are weak, no one wants to make friend with you. You can always decide whether you are strong or not. Like the one-foot goose, when she could fly with one foot, all other geese feels she is strong and never leave her alone. But if she just stay on the ground and doesn’t try to fly. She will not have chances to prove she can fly. When the winter comes, if the one-foot goose can’t fly together with other geese. She will die in the winter. Therefore, we need to work hard and show our strong point. We can get respects from others and will not be leave alone.

Another important attracting point of this story is the writing skills. When the author wants to let us know the season. She didn’t write just one word, but she used several lines with beautiful words to describe the coming season. It provides us a very enjoyable reading experience. Another interesting skills the author use in the story is that she describes the animal with many vivid verbs. This makes the geese very active. I think these writing skills make this story into a very good piece. We can put those writing skills into our writings in the future.

I like this story a lot. The one-foot goose gives me a very strong impression. She works hard and never gives up teaches me a lot. I decided to work hard in my world. I decided always challenge myself and never give up. Then I can win everybody’s respect.

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