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Story review of “Farfallina and Marcel”

Characters: Farfallina, Marcel

Setting: In the morning at the pond

Plot: When Farfallina goes up a tree and does not come back Marcel feels very lonely

Genre: Fantasy

“Farfallina and Marcel” is a Fantasy story written by Holly Keller which talks about Farfallina who is a caterpillar and Marcel who is a gosling. The two met in the morning rain, Farfallina was eating a leaf and Marcel was sheltering under it. They met and played hide and seek. They made sure that it was fair for both of them. They played day after day. They liked the same stuff. They even went on the lake together! One day Frfallina said that she needed to go on a tree to rest and she did not come down for weeks. Eventually Marcel stopped waiting and left. After a few days Farfallina came down on new wings from her cocoon. She then went looking for Marcel and instead she found a goose and she stayed around for quite a bit and the goose asked who she was looking for and she said "a long lost friend” the goose offered her a ride and then they recognised each other. The goose was Marcel and the butterfly was Farfallina. They played, talked and even went south together.

In certain times we may purposely lose at a game we are playing. If we lose at a game, that does not mean that you are bad but rather it means that you give people chances and that you are not greedy for the good things. If we win at a game too often people would be tired of always losing and will not play with you. People are tired of playing because they try and try and try but they just can’t beat you and that makes people discouraged. Like in Farfallina and Marcel they don’t use others' disadvantages for their own. Like that Farfallina can climb trees but because Marcel can’t climb and he is a young bird so he can not fly so Farfallina does not climb the tree because if she wins again and again there will be no games any more because Farfallina will definitely win. The same for Marcel he knows that Farfallina is slow so he hid right behind the starting tree. That approves that they are giving each other chances and to play fair. It seems like they are losing game after game but they are winning each other's friendship.

One of the most important things I learnt in this book is friendship. Friendship is important because it can make lots of things like trust, loyalty, caringness truthfulnes and that we have something in common. These are all parts of friendship. The first time in the book when Farfallina and Marcel met they shared the same hobby, playing hide and seek. So they played together everyday and they built on their friendship. When Farfallina went up the tree because she felt uncomfortable and Marcel was not that worried at first but when the time that Farfallina was up the tree grew longer, that is when Marcel started to worry but he still waited for Farfallina. Days dragged by then weeks and Farfallina still did not come down from the tree. But Marcel still waited. That is a pure friendship. This shows that friendship is very powerful and is very important. It is so powerful that it can make people stay in loneliness and wait and wait. He really didn't have to wait for Farfallina but he waited because he is a true friend. Farfallina and Marcel’s friendship is impenetrable and I admire it. Their whole friendship can withstand the flow of time.

I learnt some writing techniques from this author. This particular author uses long sentences and beautiful ones to describe the most simple things in life. For a example the author uses “And when the leaves on the trees around the pond turned red and gold” this describes the intricate details of Autumn instead of saying directly “it was Autumn” that is undetailed and boring while long and beautiful sentences are more charming and sound good. The author uses these sentences because he wants the reader to think for themselves and to make longer sentences. Keep in mind that the longer the sentence is the more beautiful it becomes.

In conclusion, the story <<Fallfarina and Marcel>> is a story about everlasting friendship. I talked about the things that I felt are the most important in this book. We may purposely lose at a game we are playing to give other people chances and to possibly make friends. I also learnt that friendship is a powerful thing and that it can affect our lives. I learnt some writing techniques from the author that long sentences can make text more beautiful and charming. I will remember this book and share it with everybody like I am right now.

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