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Story Review of Dear Juno

Characters: Juno, Juno’s Grandma, Juno’s mom, Juno’s dad

Setting: At home, nighttime

Plot: Juno’s grandma sent Juno a letter.

The story “Dear Juno” talks about a boy named Juno. He receives a letter from his grandmother. Inside, there is a flower and a picture of his grandmother and a cat. But, he can’t read korean. So, he takes it to his mother. It says that she got a cat to scare away the bunnies who ate her plants. Juno writes a letter back by drawing pictures. The next day, he receives another envelope from his grandmother. First, he pulls out a box of crayons. Next, he pulls out a picture of her grandmother who had two other kittens. Finally, he pulls out a toy airplane. He smiled. She was coming to visit.

Letters don’t have to be words. Sometimes you could express your feelings to someone by drawing pictures, sending presents, or just meet them in real life instead of writing. In the story, Juno can’t understand Korean and his grandma can’t understand english. So Juno writes a letter by drawing pictures. Grandma does the same thing back. She sends a box of crayons to represent that she wants another letter, and a picture to say that the cat gave birth to two other kittens, and a toy airplane to tell Juno she is coming to visit. That is how they communicate with each other. So, words are not the only way to write a letter .

Distance cannot block love in a family. Love is the strongest thing in a family. No one could ever break it apart. In the story, Juno lived far away from his grandmother. But still they sent letters that meant to brighten people up. There is also something that showed Juno’s love. When his grandma sent the picture of her cat, although Juno can’t read Korean, he still understands what his grandma is trying to say. No matter what or who, No matter where or when, Love is still everywhere. Even though they live far away, they could still phone them, message them to remember them.

Never forget our family even though we don't live in the same country. A family does not only have your mom and dad. It also includes your siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas etc. In the story, Juno brings the picture of his grandma to school. And he shows it to his classmates. Not only do the students know more about his family, but also he expresses his missing to his grandmother. He would eventually remember her every single day. That is kind and loving. No one would ever forget their family no matter where they are.

This story tells us three things: Letters don’t have to be words, distance cannot block love in a family, and never forget our family whenever and wherever. Also, the author uses some beautiful sentences in the story. For example, the author uses the writing skill called similes: “his grandmother, whose hair sat on top like a powdered donut, was sipping morning tea” . He did that to let us visualize (picture in mind) how his grandmother’s hair looked. That is why this sentence looks beautiful. So, I would recommend this book to you.

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