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Story Review of Cook-a-Doodle-Doo

Characters: Big Brown Rooster, Dog, Goose, Cat, Turtle, Iguana, Pot Bellied Pig

Setting: At the farmhouse (Kitchen)

Plot: Rooster wants to bake but Dog, Goose and Cat don't want to help but Turtle, Iguana and Pot Bellied Pig want to help but they aren’t good at cooking.

Genre: Humorous Fiction  

The story “Cook-a-Doodle-Doo” written by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel talks about Rooster who is tired of chicken feed and he wants to bake something and he found a delicious looking strawberry shortcake recipe and he wants help making it. Dog, Cat and Goose showed up but they did not want to help. But Turtle, Iguana and Pig turned up and they volunteered to help. Turtle read the cookbook, Iguana got things and Pig tasted. Iguana made lots of mistakes. One of his mistakes was that he was asked to beat an egg and he was about to use a bat to literally beat the egg but Rooster stopped him just in time and they beat the egg properly by using an eggbeater. Another time when Iguana made a mistake is when they needed a stick and Iguana got an actual stick from the tree! What they needed was a stick of butter and they simpilly got the stick of butter and they plopped it in the mixture that they already made. With the help of teamwork they finally made a shortcake but Iguana dropped it and they started to blame each other but Rooster told them that they were a team and they made another one.

We should learn and reflect on our mistakes and not do it again and as the saying goes, failure is the mother of success. When we make mistakes we should learn and think about it and make sure that we don’t do it again. Failure/mistakes is the mother of success because if we learn from our mistakes we can improve and when we improve we get closer to success. In the story Iguana makes a lot of mistakes and that is fine if he doesn't make those mistakes again. The second time they made the shortcake there were way less mistakes and it was way quicker. We often make mistakes in our lives and that is normal and it is fine if it is not severe and you just need to learn from the mistakes that you made and we can improve and not make that mistake again and that is the path to success. The road to success is always paved with failure but if we learn and improvise we can improve and succeed. We always make mistakes but that is what pushes us forward along with determination to withstand the gloominess of the mistake and to improve and succeed. 

Finding a solution to a mistake is better than blaming other people for it. We all frequently make mistakes and there is no denying it but the real problem is how we solve the problem. We certainly don’t solve it by blaming others but we can find other solutions. In the story Iguana took the plate and the shortcake fell and they started to blame each other. The Iguana blamed Turtle for not catching the cake and Turtle blamed Pig for eating it and Pig blamed Iguana for dropping it. But that problem was solved by Rooster who said that they were a team and they should not blame each other instead we can just make another one. As Rooster told us we should not blame each other because it solves nothing and it just worsens relationships. If we did wrong we admit that we did wrong and we can try to undo what we did. We humans can find simple solutions but we just fuss about the mistake and try to deflect the problem to avoid getting into trouble. Solutions are not hard to find but the solution seems to always be so hard to find because we always fuss and don’t want to be blamed for the problems and blaming is not the way to solve problems.  

Teamwork can make a job more efficient and productive compared to the work done by one person. A group can split the job and they can help each other, give support, give advice, and make others in the group not bored. While if it is one person there will be more pressure and it will be easy to get bored and give up plus it is not like one person can know everything and with a group then we will have a joint connection of knowledge to do the job. In the story they split up the job and they each had their own role. Turtle reads the cookbook, Iguana gets materials, Pig tastes the outcome and Rooster does the mixing, cutting, stirring    and looking after everything that gets done. Mutual understanding, encouragement and tolerance is important in a group because without these a group will never succeed at anything. In contrast a group with all of these can work together like puzzle pieces in a puzzle, they all fit perfectly together. There are some expectations in a group but without these a group can’t cooperate together nicely and there will be problems.     

Rooster, Iguana, Turtle and Pig made two cakes in this story. Iguana made mistakes but they still succeeded and they still shared with Cat, Dog and Goose at the end. This story taught us three themes: preparation and the right tools are crucial when doing something you are not familiar doing. There are lots of solutions but blaming others is not one of the solutions. Teamwork can make a job more efficient and more enjoyable. Preparations are crucial because with them a job can be easier because you did preparations for it so you are ready. Problems happen often and they all have solutions but blaming others is not an option because it does nothing and it can always be rooted out and it can cause broken relationships. Lastly Teamwork can make a job more efficient and less pressuring. This book is funny and it also teaches us some valuable life lessons. I want to share the amazing book with everyone like I am right now.

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