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Story Review of Cook-a-Doodle-Doo!

Characters: Rooster, Turtle, Iguana, Pig

Setting: In a farm and in the kitchen

Plot: Rooster, Turtle, Iguana and Pig finally baked a Strawberry Shortcake after making a lot of mistakes and trying many times.

The story Cook-a-Doodle-Doo, written by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel is a humorous fiction story. It talks about that Rooster wants to make a strawberry shortcake, and he got the help of three friends, Turtle, Iguana and Pig. Even though, during the baking process, Iguana misunderstood lots of things and accidentally knocked over the first cake and the pig recklessly ate the whole cake, none of them blamed each other and they decided to make a second one. Finally, they achieved their goal and tasted the cake joyfully.

Don’t blame each other in a project, teamwork or a competition. If we blame each other’s mistakes, no one will be happy and the person who made the mistake will feel more ashamed. Blaming each other can create a negative and unproductive atmosphere, erode trust among team members, and damage relationships. In the story, nobody blames Iguana when he makes mistakes. Even sometimes, they yell at him, but they don’t really get angry with him. All this showed us how important tolerance and understanding are. Because of this, the team succeeded in their goal of making a strawberry shortcake. Why do we often resort to blaming instead of supporting and tolerating each other's mistakes?

“Teamwork should be a dreamwork” as the expression says. Someone could be the team lead, but no one should order others to do something. Every team member could provide their own ideas and choose the best one among the team to succeed our goal. Everybody in a team should use their strength to achieve the team’s goal. In the story, Rooster took the team lead but didn’t order anyone to do something. Turtle showed his strength of telling the team the recipe. Iguana showed his enthusiasm for getting ingredients even though he isn't good at it. Last but not the least, Pig showed his strength of tasting the cake even though it wasn’t the right time. This approves that teamwork could make us work better, faster and learn from our mistakes. In order to be good with others, we should be kind and learn how to communicate with our team members.

Making mistakes is fine, but we should learn from them to avoid making the same ones. Repeatedly making mistakes is a bad habit that not only tests the patience and tolerance of others, but also hinders our own progress. Furthermore, we are losing time and using more energy correcting it every time. Iguana made a lot of errors in the baking processes, however he learned from them and didn’t do them the second time. Therefore, the group finished faster and easier. This shows that learning from mistakes can make us improve and make others want to work with us. It is highly recommended that we note our mistakes in a notebook in order to review and correct them.

In conclusion, Cook-a-Doodle-Doo is an entertaining and also a moralful fiction story. The story is illustrated with colorful, humorous illustrations that capture the characters' expressions and actions.It teaches us three main points. First, when we are doing teamwork or collaborating with others, we should be tolerant other than blaming each other. Second, good teamwork means each team member can play to their strengths and collaborate in a comfortable way. Last, we should learn from our mistakes after making them instead of ignoring them. In the end, I wish that everyone could read this fantastic book and story.

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