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Story review of Click, Clack, Moo Cows That type

Characters: Farmer Brown, the cows, the hens and other farm animals

Setting: Brown’s farm

Plot: Farmer Brown’s cows like to type

Perspective: Third person view point

Genre: Fantasy

The story of “click, clack, moo cows that type” written by Dorreen Cronin, talks about farm Brown and his farm animals. Farmer Brown’s cows ask for an electric blanket because it is cold at night. The cows and the hens together start their strike. Farmer Brown rejects and demands that they have to give milk and eggs. The cows ask to use the typewriter to exchange the blanket. Farmer Brown agrees.

I learned that we should treat people the same way we want to be treated. If we do that, we can make everyone happy. In the story, farmer Brown is not nice to the animals so the animals are mean to him as well. If farmer Brown is nice, there wouldn’t be a strike. Therefore, we should be nice to other people and try to make everyone happy so we can be happy.

I also learnt that we should form alliances to work together to achieve our goals. The more people the stronger the voice, so the voice can be heard. In the story, the cow at first don’t get what they want. They ask hens to join. They are successful. The success is because the cows form an alliance with hens. Therefore we should make friends and form an alliance when needed.

Last but not least, I learned that before asking anything from others, we should think about what we can give as an exchange. Treating and making deals can be very helpful. In the story, the cows exchange the typewriter, milk and eggs to the electric blanket from farmer Browns. This is a good deal because cows and hens treat their stuff with more useful things. We should always try to make good deals.

In conclusion, when we work with others, we should treat them the way we like to be treated. We should try to make friends. More friends mean more alliances and the voice will be able to be heard. It is also important to think about what we can give when we ask things from other people. If we don’t have anything people are interested in, the exchange will not happen.

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