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Story Review of Click Clack Moo, Cows that Type

Character: Cows, Hens, Ducks, Farmer Brown

Setting: Farm

Plot: Cows want electric blankets.

Genre: Fantasy

Today I read a story named <Click Clack Moo, Cows that Type>, it’s written by Doreen Cronin and illustrated by Betsy Lewin. In the story Cows and Hens are cold and they want electric blankets, but Farmer Brown refuses to buy them. Cows and Hens are impatient that they go on strike. Farmer Brown takes out his own typewriter to type to Cows and Hens, demanding milk and eggs from them. The Cows had an emergency meeting and decides to exchange the typewriter. Farmer Brown agrees. The Ducks want the same way to ask a diving board. That's the end of the story, do you think they might get what they want?

We should treat others the same way we want to be treated. In the beginning, Farmer Brown is furious at the animals, so the animals are furious at him, too. And then, Farmer Brown can not get milk and eggs, and Cows and Hens can not get electric blankets, too. In real life, we need to be nice to others, if we want something from someone, we have to maintain a good relationship.

Team cooperation can make work more effective. In the story, Cows can not get what they want at first, so they ask Hens to go on strike together, they succeed. In real life, if we want to make things successful, we need to invite others to join us. We can use our advantages to cover other’s disadvantages. Team cooperation can make work better.

Before asking something from others, think about what we can do for him or her. Cows and Hens get what they want, but Ducks probably cannot because Cows make milk, Hens lay eggs, if Farmer Brown denies their request and he will not get milk and eggs. But Farmer Brown needs Ducks just for meat, Ducks have nothing to offer. In real life, if we want something from someone, we should first think about what we can do for them first.

In conclusion: First, keep a good relationship with others and always think of helping them, that we can get help from others when we need. And then, when we need to accomplish a target, find the right partner to work with, teamwork is what gets things done more effectively. This is an interesting and profound story. I highly recommend this story to you, and I hope you would like it.

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