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Story Review of Click Clack Moo Cows That Type


Basic Elements

Character: Farmer Brown

Setting: On a farm

Plot: Farmer Brown’s cows like to type.

Genre: Fantacy

Click Clack Moo Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin talks about a story on a farm. A farmer named Farmer Brown has a farm with a lot of different kinds of animals. His Cows like to type. Then things got worse. The Cows and Hens asked for electric blankets. When Farmer Brown said No, they went on a strike. Later they said they would  exchange their typewriter for the electric blankets. Farmer Brown said Yes.

Teamwork is valuable, especially when you are having trouble doing something by yourself. Teamwork is when you work with others together and combine your and others’ advantages and avoid your disadvantages. Doing that can help you achieve many challenging goals. In the story, the Cows don’t succeed in getting electric blankets. When the Cows and Hens both went on strike, Farmer Brown agreed to give the blanks for the typewriter. It shows that teamwork is much more powerful than individual work. As you can see, teamwork helps with many things liking persuading people, winning games and other more difficult tasks.

It is important to offer a must thing to someone if we want to trade with them. A must thing is something that you need to live, like water or food. A non-must thing is something that you can live without, like a toy. In the story, Farmer Brown needs eggs and milk to make a living, and Cows and Hens need electric blankets to keep warm to produce milk and eggs. So milk and eggs are a must for Farmer Brown and electric blankets are a must for Cows and Hens. It proves that equal trades make everyone happy. If we want to exchange something, we need to offer others a must for them. Otherwise, they will refuse our offer. 

We should treat others the way we want to be treated. Everyone likes to be treated equally. It makes everyone feel included. In the story, Farmer Brown treated his animals badly at the beginning, then the Cows and Hens gave him no milk or eggs. Soon, he was forced to treat his animals how they wanted to be treated. It shows that it is important to treat people equally. If you treat others equally, they would treat you equally too. Treating others how you want to be treated is an important skill in life.

The story talks about a farmer who has cows that like to type.When they asked for electric blankets, Farmer Brown said no. So they went on strike. When they asked to trade their typewriter for  electric blankets, Farmer Brown agreed. We need to know what is a must thing and what is a non-must thing. It’s important to trade things with others, so they can't refuse us. Also, we should treat others the way we want to be treated. And if we want to achieve bigger goals, teamwork is necessary.


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