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Story Review of Big Red Lollipop

The Big Red Lollipop is a realistic fiction written by Rukhsana Khan. The story is centered around the birthday party invitations that two sisters received. Rubina reluctantly brought her sister Sama as her mother told her. After the party ended, they all got a red lollipop. The next morning, Rubina found out that her sister ate most of the lollipop, so she was angry and chased her. When Sana got an invitation to a party, her mom also asked her to bring the little sister Maryam, but she was not pleased. In the end, Rubina standed out and told Ami not to let Sana bring Maryam. That evening, Sana came back with a green lollipop in hand and gave that to Rubina.

Learning from our mistakes and making amends help us become more mature. We could improve ourselves from the mistakes we had made before. Furthermore, making amends will let us earn other’s confidence and trust in us. In the story, although Sana behaved selfishly by eating Rubina’s red lollipop, after reflection, she corrected her mistake and paid back a green lollipop for Rubina. If we do something wrong, we should have the courage to acknowledge the error and immediately correct it to the best of our ability. In that way, we could become a more responsible person.

Treating everyone fairly and equally helps us maintain the balance in the relationship. It does not mean that everyone gets what they want, instead it means that everyone deserves the same treatment. It is especially important in family relationships, just like Rubina and Sana’s. As a mother, Ami treated her three kids equally. When Rubina and Sana received birthday invitations, she gave them the same option to take their younger sister to the party. By using her wisdom, she finally earns the respect from the sisters and helps build up her reputation and authority. Therefore, we should treat people fairly and equally as they deserve.

Empathy helps us better connect with others by putting ourselves into others’ place. It is always easy for us to judge or comment, however it is not always easy to put yourself in other’s shoes and walk a mile. As the oldest sister, Rubina learned to empathize with her sister Sana throughout the story. When it was Sana’s turn to bring little Maryam to a party, Rubina standed out for her, so that she could have a better time at the party. By better understanding others’ emotions and feelings, we may strengthen relationships with others as well. Therefore, it is a significant advancement for us to show understanding and empathy for people around us.

Through the story between Rubina, Sana, and Ami, it teaches me many lessons. From Sana, I learn the importance of learning from our mistakes and improving ourselves. From Ami, l learn that we should treat people equally and fairly. Last but not least, I learn the value of showing empathy to others from Rubina. The story has a happy ending and the red lollipop symbolizes the reconciliation of the sisters.

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