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Story Review of Biblioburro


Setting:In the jungles of Colombia

Plot:Luis loves to read books, his house is filled with books, but his wife is unhappy. So he makes a library, and takes the books and travels to many places and delivers books to people, so everyone can read.

Genre:Narrative Nonfiction

This lovely book written by Jeanette Winter talks about a man called Luis that loves to read books. There’ re so many books, his house is filled with them, his wife grumbles. So he takes some books, buys two burros, and starts to travel. He builds crates to fill books, and goes to far villages. The sun burns in the sky, they stop to drink at a stream, then they reach the village. He reads a book to the children, and gives a book to each child, then goes home. At home, he feeds his burros, eats dinner, and reads a book deep into the night before sleeping.

Sharing is a good virtue for everyone. No matter where you are ,we need to share. Luis takes books and goes to a village to share his books to kids. He carries books to far village and the children welcome him. Sharing gives us happiness.

Reading is a good habit that gives people power and courage. Reading books gives people more knowledge. Luis is fascinated by books day and night. His house is filled with books and makes a fearless decision at last. Reading is able to bring out inspiration and feelings.

Persistence is a virtue that is worthy of learning. Many things teach us that we need to insist on things what we have to do . Luis keeps reading books, and travels throughout the land. Because of his insist, he builds a traveling library ,and brings happiness to the children. Insisting is not easy, but it gives us an amazing result.

In conclusion , this inspiring picture book gives us three principles : Sharing is always a good quality. Reading is good because is gives you knowledge. Persistence is a permanent assignment for us. In addition , the story reminds us reading takes us joy, it can change a person and a tribe.

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