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Story Review of Beatrice’s Goat

Basic elements

Characters: Beatrice, her mother, five younger brothers and sisters, Mugisa

Setting: Kisinga, western Uganda

Plot: Beatrice loves everything about Mugisa.Genre: Narrative nonfiction

This narrative nonfiction story talks about a poor family who lives in Uganda that has a girl named Beatrice who wants to go to school but doesn’t have enough money. But all that changed when some kind hearted people gave them a goat. The goat gave birth to two baby goats and made milk for them. They sold one of the baby goats and some of the goat milk. And in the end, Beatrice could go to school and their house could have a steel roof. We can learn three interesting themes from this story.

Firstly, I learned that helping the poor or helping any other people who lack things is not just giving money, food, or other resources. If you only give them some supplies, they can only use it temporarily and will often depend on you, but if you teach them how to make their own reserves, they can use these things for a long time and will become self-reliant. In the story, the kind hearted people gave Beatrice’s family a goat, instead of money or food. They knew that the goat could give birth to baby goats and could produce milk, which Beatrice’s family could sell to earn money. So, the best way to help the poor or people who lack things is to teach or give them a way to make their own supplies. Good writing!

Secondly, I learned that important things should always be first.  For example, education is important, so it should be the first thing to do and the first thing to come to mind. In the story, Beatrice’s mother thought that education should be first, when Beatrice asked her about the other things they needed, she said: “First things first”. Her mother thought that the other things they needed were not significant and that Beatrice going to school was in the first place. So, “first things first” means to put serious things ahead of unimportant things.

Last but least, I learned that good things take time. If we are able to wait for a long time, there will be a good result. For example, if you bought a toy online, you need to wait for a period before it arrives. If you are not forbearing, you might get frustrated, but if you are patient, you can be very happy when it arrives. In the story, when the goat was coming, Beatrice’s mother told her that good things take time. Her mother told her to be patient and to make the preparations for the goat. So, “good things take time” means that we should have the ability to wait for a long time, in order for good things to happen.

This story tells of a poor family, who gets a goat and uses it to make money. The benefits of the goat helped the family, especially a girl named Beatrice. They got a sturdy steel roof and Beatrice got her most wanted wish, which was to go to school. This story teaches people that giving people skills is better than giving them things, important things are first, and good things take time. This is a meaningful and wonderful story.

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