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Story review of BABU’S SONG

Characters: Bernardi, his grandfather Babu

Setting: on the field

Plot: Bernardi isn’t wearing a school uniform.

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Babu’s Song is written by Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen, and illustrated by Aaron Boyd. It was about a boy who is named Bernardí, and his grandpa Babu lives together, but Bernardi and Babu didn’t have enough money to go to school. So, Bernardi’s grandpa Babu works hard to get enough money for Bernardi to pay the school’s fee. At last, Bernardi can go to school to gets education.

First, I learned that education is more important than anything. Everyone needs to have access to education. Even farmers need to learn how to plant crops. In the story,even though Bernardi and Babu’s life is very difficult, Babu still wants to get more money to send Bernardí to school. So, whether your family is poor or rich, education is important than anything. Knowledge is powerful, and it can change the world, so some families use all the ways to let their children go to school.

Secondly, I learned that nothing can stop your passion. Just like Beethoven, he couldn’t hear when he got old, but he still liked music, Monet, couldn’t see well, but he still kept drawing and made thousands of paintings. In the story, even poverty didn’t make Babu and Bernardi quit their passion. My passion is reading. Even if I have homework, I still will keep reading every day. Don’t give up your passion any time, it will help you to keep relax when you tired and boring.

Last but not least, I learned that if your life has hope and passion, the days will become fun. If people all just working, go back home, and eat. This style of life is so boring. Without hope, life will become boring. In the story, just because Bernardí likes soccer, having a soccer ball became Bernardí’s hope, and this hope helps Bernardi face life. The fun of the day is all by hope. Hope makes us braver than before, it encourages us to keep working and to face the difficulties of life.

From the story, I learned three things. First, education is more important than anything. Secondly, nothing can stop your passion. Last, if your life has hope and passion, the days will become fun. And this book teaches me many writing skills, like rhetorical device, and symbolism. These writing skills can help me to write better articles. This is a warm story, and showing other sides of the world different from our life. I hope you can read it one day with your parents or friends.

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