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Story Review of Babu’s Song

Characters: Bernardi, Babu

Setting: on the field, at home

Plot: Bernardi loves soccer ball, and he is the only one not wearing the school uniform. Babu makes toys and music box and Bernardi sells them all. Babu pays the school tuition, then he makes a string ball and another music box for Bernardi.

Genre: realistic fiction

The story Babu’s Song written by Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen talks about the relationship between Bernardi and his grandfather Babu. Not only did Bernardi love soccer, but also was good at it. His family didn’t have enough to go to school. Babu was dumb because of illness. They made a living by making and selling toys. On his way back home Bernardi saw a window and inside it was a new soccer ball. But it was too expensive. At home, Babu gave him a music box with Babu’s song. The next day, he took the toys to sell, a woman wanted the music box but it wasn’t for sale. The woman took out a handful of money and Bernardi sold the music box. But he didn’t buy the soccer ball. Bernardi went home he was heartbroken for selling the music box. Babu took the money and headed out he came back with a school uniform and a soccer ball made from string. Babu paid the school tuition and started to make another music box.


Passion is something that you are strongly interested in and enjoy. If you have passion for something, that means you really love it and when you do it, you won’t feel tired. Even if you have some difficulties, you never give up. In the story, Bernardi loved to play soccer ball and kicked the ball into the net and made a goal. The ball appeared so many times, that is his passion. He wanted to play soccer every day. Even if he didn’t have shoes and a school uniform, he didn’t care and practiced soccer ball hard and was good at it. Passion is the thing you desire to do even have no payment and not feel tired without resting.

Education is the best way to get rid of poverty and foolishness. Everyone needs to go to school to learn various skills for a better life. Knowledge changes destiny, especially for poor people. In the story, Babu paid the school tuition for Bernardi as soon as they got the money. He paid for school instead of buying the soccer ball, even if Bernardi was eager for the ball. Because First thing first. Babu knew that education was always the most important thing. If you want to achieve a better and more successful life, education is the easiest way. Education promotes social progress and people’s growth.

Hope is the sunshine of our lives, so we should always have hope. As mentioned in the movie 《The Shawshank Redemption》:Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good things ever die. Hope is very important. If we have hope, we will do our best to struggle for life no matter how hard life is. In the story, Bernardi hummed a tune that Babu had sung when he still had his voice. Humming it made Bernardi wish Babu still had his voice. They still had the hope that Babu could still speak.  Hope can make us more powerful to overcome difficulties.

The story talks about Bernardi living with his grandfather, Babu. who was dumb because of illness. Bernardi loved soccer ball and was good at it. They made a living by making and selling toys. Bernardi didn’t go to school because of poverty. Babu gave him a music box with Babu’s song. The next day, he sold all the toys. But he felt sorry for selling the box. Babu paid the school tuition with the money. Babu gave Bernardi a soccer ball made from string and started to make another music box. Passion can make your life meaningful. Education can change a person’s life and is always the most important thing. While there is life there is hope.

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