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Story Review of All Summer in a Day

In Bradubury's short story "All Summer in a Day''. A group of children living on Venus are all waiting for a rare event. The appearance of the sun. The kids have not seen it in seven years, because they had constant rain. The story is about Margot who remembers the sun from her time on Earth. This makes her different from the other kids. They are jealous and don't trust her because of this. When the sun finally came out, the children enjoyed themselves and played outside. Their happiness is short because the rain returns. This story teaches that happiness can be short. But this moment would be memorable for the kids and the grown ups.

It shows how people often don't believe the things they have experienced themselves in "All Summer in a Day". Margot’s classmates don’t believe her when she talks about the sun because they have never seen it. They can't know the warmth of the sun and the joyness it brings because of the endless rain. Margot remembers the sun from the earth but the other childrens have lived on Venus so they were too young to remember the experience. . They think she is making it up or lying because they can’t see it for themselves. This shows that "seeing makes believing because the kids only understand and trust what they can directly experience. Like a example of if heaven s real or not. They are unkind to Margot because they only think she tell lies. THis story teaches us that sometimes people have to be open minded about the things they didn't experience rather than thinking it is not true.

In the story "All Summer in a Day '' it shows how important it is to show the personal judgments not by using personal experience but using science proof. The kids didn't believe Margot when she said she remembered the sun from earth. They thought she was lying because they couldn't remember it themselves and had never seen it. But the scientists had said the sun would come out, and it did, this means that Margot was right. If the kids had trusted the scientific prediction instead of their own doubts and jealousy, they would not have been so mean to Margot and she wouldn't have missed the sun. This story teaches us that believing in solid evidence, like what scientists say, is better than just going by what we personally think or feel.

In Ray Bradbury's story "All Summer in a Day," the theme of handling disconformity is shown through the character of Margot and her experiences. Margot is very different from the other children because she remembers the sun from her time on earth.  This makes her bullied because the other kids did not experience the sun and thinking it might not be true. Instead of trying to understand her they locked her up in a closet which means that she would miss the sun. If the children had been nicer and tries to understand Margot they might all enjoyed the sun together. The story teaches us it is better to accept the differences we have.

In conclusion, in "All SUmmer in a Day" by Ray BRadbury it teaches us about bullying and the nature of "seeing is believing". The story is basically about Margot knowing the sun from her memory. The kids felt jealous so they locked her up. This makes her miss the sun. I personally after reading the story felt sad for Margot. She did nothing wrong. Seeing the sun for her generation is probably once in a lifetime. This teaches us that we should accept the differences we have. If the kids did that Margot would see the sun again and enjoy it.

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